Missing Babies

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~Mew's POV~


oday is the day my baby goes back to his physical classes and I take our pups to my office. I already had everything I could possibly need in my office and the room. Right now we are finishing up breakfast and putting on their little coats since it's starting to get a little chilly these days.

As usual, my baby is wearing one of my sweaters while we are preparing their bags and he is grabbing his backpack.

This would be the first time in months I would spend a long time away from my bii.

"Ok Boo, do you have everything you need in your office and their bags?"

He worries a lot since this would be the first time he would be separated from our pups for a long period of time. His inner omega didn't want to leave them alone without him watching over them.

"Yes bii, I have everything. Do you have everything you need for class?"

"Yeah...but do you have Anurak's medicine?"

"Yes, I have his medicine."

"What about Achara's favorite blanket?"

"I have her purple blanket."

"What about their teething toys?"

"I have their teething toys."

"What abou-"

I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him to make him stop talking.

"Bii, don't worry so much. I have everything we need. You have to concentrate on your classes today, don't worry about them too much. I'm still their daddy, I can take care of them too."

He just pouted and his eyebrows were still scrunched up. I put my finger in between them and massaged till it went away. I pecked his nose before handing him his backpack and his shoes.

"Put on your shoes and your backpack and then we can head to the university before I go to my office."

"Okay Boo..."

Once he put on everything we carried the babies and their bags to the car and strapped them in before heading off to his university.

"Boo, you will tell me if anything goes wrong right?"

"Yes, I will even check up during your lunch break and we can FaceTime so you can also look at the babies."


The rest of the drive seemed to go by too fast. We are now in front of his university and he keeps looking back at our pups.

"Boo, can I say bye to them?"

"Of course, why wouldn't you say bye?"

He unbuckled himself before he got out and opened the back door.

"Hi babies. Mommy has to go to his classes but I promise to call you during lunch okay? I will miss you so much. I love you and I'll see you after my classes."

His eyes started watering before he gave them quick kisses and closed the door.

My heart hurt at the sight of him feeling sad about leaving our pups for awhile. He went back to the front before giving me a kiss as well.

"I'll see you later boo, love you."

"I love you too bii. I'll see you later."

He left and started walking towards the building and his shoulders were drooping down.

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