10. The Go-See

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"Okay, now stop...Okay, turn. Okay, now walk back.Okay..." I did as the woman said. She said "okay" too much and I began to wonder if she had any other words in her vocabulary.

I finished carrying out her set of instructions and she scrutinized me as I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. I didn't like thay feeling. I wanted to feel sure of myself, but it wasn't happening. This had been my first go-see in over a year. I had assumed that everyhing would just come back to me but it felt like I was learning the ropes all over again.

"You can go put on the clothes you came in. Careful not the ruin the dress."

I nodded, showing I understood. I went back to the changing room, breathing a sigh of relief. Why was I even nervous? I didn't enjoy this feeling at all. This wasn't me.

I came back out right as the woman finished conversing with her consultants. I coughed slightly and she looked up once she noticed me.

"Aralon.", she started. "Though you came unprepared, I'm interested in where you could take us." I liked the hint of approval I heard in her voice but I didn't want to get in over my head. Last time I did, things didn't end well considering I was never in Royce's video.

I smiled at her politely.

"If we decided to take you in, we'll be in touch, Aralon.", she said.

"Thank you.", I told her. "Have a nice night."

As I walked out, I sighed. There was a lot of promise in what she said but I didn't want to get my hopes up. All I wanted to do was start my career back up in hopes of helping Doña Francesca. I did have to thank Royce for giving me this opportunity. I took my phone out to call a cab for some hotel that he recommended I go to. Then it hit me.

Royce had all my stuff.

I had no idea what to do.  I checked the time. It was barely nine, his concert had probably just started. I didn't have any way of contacting him anyway. I regretted blowing him off for his number earlier.

I sighed as I called a cab. I would have to figure something out on my own.

* * *

I was lying on the bed hotel room,  trying to.find something decent to watch on TV when I heard the knock at my door.

I groaned as I got up. I was pretty tired. I knew I couldn't have been jet lagged if I didn't even leave the east coast, but I may as well have been. I had done a lot today, and it was all on such short notice.

I opened the door and, to my surprise, I saw Royce standing there surrounded by my luggage.

"Do you always do this?", I asked.

"Do what?"

"This thing where you just pop up everywhere? Are you, like, following me?"

He laughed. "Hardly."

"How did you even find me this time?"

"Well, it was sort of magic.", he said sarcastically. "I knew you didn't know your way around Miami, and I also knew this was the first and only hotel I recommended to you, so it was the first place I looked."

"You didn't have to do all that."

"What? Looking for you? I had to, Aralon. You can only fit so much inside a Ferrari. Your luggage was enough to provide for a small village.", he said.

"You brought it all up here yourself?"

"Hell yeah.", he lifted his arm and flexed a little. Then he laughed and shook his head. "It'd be nice if you could crack a smile at least once, Aralon. But, nah, honestly I had help from the bellhop."

"How was the concert?", I asked. I felt bad that he had to drag himself down here after preforming a show.

The grin on his face widened. "It was great. The fans were amazing. Well, they're always amazing but you know...How was the audition?"

"It went great...well, I think it did. I don't know..."

"Well what makes you doubt that you did fine?", asked Royce as he started to help me bring my things in the room.

"I don't know...", I said slowly. I really didn't. Every ounce of confidence I ever had was slowly disappearing and I didn't like it once bit. It felt weird. You know what else felt weird? Telling someone how I felt, especially Royce. "I really want this"

"Well, have hope.", he said. "How bad do you want it?"

"Really bad. I need this for Doña Francesca. Its funny, I'm just used to getting things I want but I was never raised spoiled, you know. And now I feel like I just don't deserve anything. But this isn't for me. It's for Doña Francesca. Maybe it should.go back...", I said. "What if she needs me?"

"Call her. Let her know you're okay. Make sure she's okay. That's all. You can't waste this opportunity, Aralon." So far, I had seen three sides of Royce since I met him. There was his serious business side. He had his witty, sarcastic side, which I had seen the most of in the short amount of time that I had known him and now this was his sympathetic side.

"Thank you.", I said quickly. I didn't think I'd be thanking Royce anytime soon, but here I was. 

"For what?", asked Royce, the beginnings of a smile danced on his lips.

"All this. You didn't have to do any of it. You know that.  I really am grateful."

"You're very welcome, Aralon.", he said. "So...was that...was that just a smile I saw?"

I rolled my eyes. "Even if it was, you're not gonna see it again, so don't hold your breath."

His eyes lit up. "So it was a smile. She has feelings!", he exclaimed in an over dramatic tone.

"Are you done?"

"Almost. This reminds me of the scene in the Grinch. You know, the one where his heart gets all big. That's you right now." He seemed pretty damn amused.

"So...why me?", I asked after he finally got over his mock excitement.

"Well, why not you?", challenged Royce.

"The list could go on, Royce. I'm a horrible person. I've treated everyone around me like crap, including you." Royce was studying me. I could tell he was thinking of what to say. "I'm not a good person." I repeated. I didn't know what had gotten into me in the last twenty four hours, but I still wasn't myself.

"You think I'm all that great of a person?", asked Royce. "I'm not you know. You know, the futdty day I saw you at the corner store, I had gotten into an argument with my mom and sister and I had gotten annoyed with a couple members on my team. I don't know why I was so irratable that day, but I knew I had fucked up big time... I guess that's part of the reason I decided to help you."

His story didn't do much to make me feel better, nor did it answer my question, but I pretended it did. "Yeah, but you make up for it. With nice stuff like this. I'm just all around crappy. Thats what I do....that's what Im used to doing, playing games. You know, theres a completely different meaning behind 'I feel like shit' and 'I feel like a piece of shit."


Yeah I'm up pretty late updating, but a stomach bug is creeping up on me and I decided to update before got even worse.

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