7. Four Hundred Dollars, a Story and a Sandwich

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"I'm so fixated on the girl with the soft sound

And hair all over the place..."

- The 1975, "Settle Down"


        As I looked out the planes window, I realized I had gotten myself into way more than just a little trip to Miami. No. I had gotten myself into some deep shit.

"Maybe you should come visit me in Miami sometime, you know, so you can finish up that story." Those were Royce's last words to me before he left. I had no idea I'd be seeing him so soon.

        Why did Royce seem so interested in me anyway? I asked myself that question approximately every twenty minutes, and yet, I had no idea. I hadn't even known him that long, I didn't even know him all that well. And yet I was pretty sure I even trusted him a little bit.

        Trust isn't something you just give out, Aralon. I told myself. I told myself that all the time but yet I never followed my own advice.

"Aralon, I have some good news.", said Doña Francesca with a birght smile as she walked in, about an hour later.

"What is it?", I asked excitedly. It was nice seeing her this.

"You're going to Miami."

"What?" Was I being pranked? Where were the cameras? What was going on? I mean, this had to be a joke. It was too much of a coincidence. Especially considering Royce had just mentioned MIami to me less than an hour earlier.

'"I've gotten you a ticket to go to Miami." She said, the smile still bright as ever.

"But...but you know I can't go."

"And why not?", she asked, eyebrow raised.

"Well, what about the store? What about  you?"

"Don't worry about me, Aralon. You're such a help to me already. You deserve it."

"I can't just--it's not--...you need the money..."

        The look on her face told me she was intent on winning this arguement. "If I needed it, then I wouldn't have bought the ticket. Now, take it. If anything, you need it. Take it."

"But...", I started pathetically.

"Don't talk back to me.", she said testily. She handed me the ticket. "Now, take it. That's what I want for you, sweetie. That's what your brother would've wanted."
  She knew I'd dop anything for her and she knew that I would always have a soft spot for Alano. I couldn't protest. I slowly took the ticket. "But why...?"

'"It's gonna help you, Aralon. It's gonna help all of us. Trust me."


        My cab was taking forever. I sighed in annoyance as I checked the time. I had been in the airport waiting room for about a half-hour now and I was wondering what the big hold up was. I finally gave up and figured I should wait it out and call again. Anyways, I was hungry. I decided I would get something to eat and try again later.

"Wow, you actually showed up.", said a voice behind me as I got up to leave. 

        I jumped a little at the sound of the familiar voice. "Jesus.", I muttered.

"Geoffrey, actually. But I understand the confusion.", said Royce with a smirk.

"You scared the shit outta me."

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