19. Forgive And Forget

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"And we celebrate out twised fate, we're the broken ones...",

- Lana Del Rey, "Queen of Disaster"



Everything was falling into place. Aside from my parents divorcing, which they probably needed, I was accepted back into my little family and that felt great.

"Nice to know you two are back at it." , noted Doña Francesca as she entered tstore the next morning. When I was with K.C, all me and Alano seemed to do was argue. I could imagine how nice it was to have peace and quiet around the store for once.

"Yeah. Yeah, we are.", said Alano with a smile. I began to feel bad. While o was out doing who knows what with K.C, I left him here alone with the rest of my dysfunctional family. He wasn't the type to be too emotional but I could tell he was more glad than he let on to have me back.

Doña Francesca smiled. "I'm glad to hear that. You kids get ready to open up." If she misses me anything like I missed her, I knew that'd be a hell of a lot. I came into work almost everyday but I wasn't really there if that made sense.

Once I got back into the flow of things, it was like the good old days had never left. I didn't have to worry about my parents screaming at each other every night, or trying to impress K.C and most importantly Alano, Ronaldo and Doña Francesca didn't have to worry for me. But at the same time, I felt like I was missing something. I knew I wasn't as genuinely happy as I was before and I didn't know why. I decided to ignore it. I didn't want to ruin things for myself again.

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