11. Ride or Die

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"He loves me with every beat of his cocaine heart"

- Lana Del Rey, "Off to the Races"


        Time and time again, people would tell me how bad of an influence K.C was having on me or how much they worried about us together but I was too love sick to pay their comments any attention.

        What mattered was that I was happy. I guess that was a very self centered way to think about it, but I don't think it'd be me if it wasn't.

"Aralon, I swear if that hashbrown dude is there I'm leaving." Mia huffed.

"Hassan, you mean?", I asked her. K.C and I were planning on going to the movies, and I thought it would have been nice for Mia to tag along, seeing as she was my best friend. Her and Hassan had been at each others throats since they were introduced to each other, and I was beginning to have second thoughts. I hated having her feel left out, but it was kind of hard not to when your best friend and your boyfriend's best friend hate each other.

"Whatever the hell his name is. He better not come near me, Aralon."

        I sighed. "Well, then don't talk to him."

        It was Mia's turn to sigh. "Maybe I just shouldn't go. Just let you two enjoy yourselves."

"You sure?"

"Positive." she said with a nod.

        So, it seemed like it'd just be me, K.C and Hassan for the night. We could make it work.


        He'd be the one to pick me up after school. After all, I didn't have a car and he had graduated the year before. I was in for a suprise when Hassan wasn't in the backseat like he usually was.

"Hassan isn't coming?"

K.C shook his head. "Nah. He backed out."

"Because of Mia?", I suggested.

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"She might've done the same thing."

K.C shook his head, but gave an amused laugh. "Shit's hilarious, man. They really hate each other. But, hey, guess that leaves more time for me and you, right?"

"Guess so.", I said with a smile as I got in the car

"So, you still wanna see a movie? Or go home?", he asked.

I raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

He shrugged . "No reason. I just gotta ask you something later."

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