2. That Girl is Poison

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"There was one particular girl who stood out from the rest..."

-Bell Biv Devoe, "Poison"


        She probably had the most innocent, yet knowing eyes Geoffrey Royce Rojas had ever seen in his life. She had that deer in the headlights type if look, but she didn't look lost at all. She looked like a deer that would look at an oncoming car and say "Bitch, I dare you to hit me."

"What's up, Royce?" It was William. As in William Levy. He came over, taking Royce's attention off of the mysterious girl.

"William, hey. Its been a minute."

"Sure has. How you been?"

"Good, good. Great even. And yourself?"

"I've been good... Now, what are you looking at?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You were spacing out just a few seconds ago."

        Royce glanced over to his left again. The girl was still there. "Who is she?". He asked, finally giving up.

        William laughed. "So, its a girl, huh?" He looked in the direction Royce was looking. "Who are you talking about?"

"Her." He nodded over to the girl with a drink in one hand and a bored expression on her face.

        William began to laugh harder, much to Royce's confusion. "Who? The short one, right? With the dark hair?"

        Royce nodded. "Yeah..."

        William laughed some more. "Her?"

"Geez, Will. All I asked was who she was."

"Sorry, man.", William said after his laughter died down. "But that? That's Aralon Fernandez."

"She's well known?", asked Royce. "What does she do?"

"She's a model. I guess you could sat she's well known...", said William with a slight smirk.

"She's a looker. I'll give her that."

"Well, ella cambia mas de novio que de panti.", said William with a laugh.

"What?" Royce couldn't tell is WIlliam was just trying to mess withhim or not.

"She slept her way up to the top, bro. She's trouble. Wouldn't be surprised if she slept with some guy just to get into this club,"

"C'mon, man. I'm sure it's all that bad. She could be a nice girl for all you know."

"Mhmm. And was it her ass or her personality that caught your attention all the way from the other end of the club?"

"Neither." Royce lied. "I've just been looking for a girl for my music videos and she looked...interesting."

        William gave another slight chuckle. He found Royce's sudden attraction to this girl pretty amusing. Aralon Fernandez was probably just barely a C-List celebrity but she had the mentality of Madonna. "So, you're just gonna sit there and stare at her or what?"

        Royce glared at him. "No."


"Are you trying to say I don't have the balls to go up to her and ask her if she'd wanna audition?"

"That's exactly what I'm trying to say, my friend."

"Well, you're wrong."

"You're gonna go ask her?" asked William. This was pure entertainment for him.

"I'm gonna go ask her. She's just a girl. Not like I'm asking her for her number or anything. Just offering her a job oppurtunity that a model like herself would probably appreciate."

"Good luck, bro. Word also has it that she's a total bitch."

        Royce had no idea what William was making such a big deal over. Royce made his way over to the girl as the music of the club blared around him. She was having a chat with some girl next to her. Royce waited until she was done and spoke.

"Um, excuse me?"

        Aralon turned to face the man talking to her. He was cute. He also looked very familiar. "Yes?"

"I don't know if you know who I am. I'm Prince Royce. I sing bachata.", he saud, putting a hand out.

        That was who he was. She recognized him as soon as he introduced himself. "I'm Aralon. Aralon Fernandez.", she said, giving his hand a shake.

        Mhmm, she's a real bitch, thought Royce sarcasticallly. "Uh, so listen. I'm going to be filming soon. For a music video. And I've been looking for some models to audition--you're a model, right?"

        At this, Aralon nodded. She liked where this was going.

"Well, I was looking for a model and I was wondering if you'd like to come down to the audtions. I'll be holding some here in New York and some more down in Miami."

"That sounds great.", said Aralon. "I'd love too." She had done her job tonight. She had caught somebody's attention and booked herself an audition in less than ten minutes.

"Great.", said Royce with a dimpled smile. He was pretty damn hot, thought Aralon. She wouldn't really mind working beside him all too much. "Uh...", he grabbed a napkin from the bar counter. "You have a pen or anything?"

        Aralon smirked slightly as she rummaged through her purse. Of course she had a pen. She always came prepared when it came to oppurtuntities.

"Thanks.", said Royce, taking it and writing a few things down. "Here's the address we'll be at and here's some contact information for my management. And I'lll uh, see you in a week.", he said , handing her the napkin. "Sorry I wasn't more prepared. This was sorta last minute. You kinda just caught my attention and I had to ask."

        Now, Aralon couldn't come off as self-centered as she really was, at least not right away, so she decided to use flattery to keep her pride in check. "It'll be a pleasure working with you Mr--"

"Royce. You can call me, Royce. Here, I'll leave you to do your own thing now. It was nice meeting you, Aralon."

"You too...Royce.", she said with a smile as he walked away.

        Aralon was proud of herself. She had accomplished something tonight. She applied a fresh coat of lipstick and began to flirtatiously scan the club for the lucky man who would be the one to buy her her celebratory glass of champagne.



okay guys. so i know i said i was gonna update in november/december but this chapter was just sitting here and i wanted to set the mood for the story. i hope this was a nice surprise for yall (:

so what's in store for Aralon and Royce? Please vote and comment. Ya'll likng so far ? well, too bad because NOW yall gotta wait till later in the year. muahahahahahahahaha. >:)

love ya'll

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