3. Casting Call

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"I know I've got a big ego, I really don't know why it's such a big deal though."

- Marina and the Diamonds, "Primadonna"


Aralon made sure she arrived at Shockra Dance Studios at exactly twelve thirty pm.

Early was on time, on time was late and late wasn't acceptable.

She had read an article that morning on what made a successful casting call and the all twenty one tips she read were embedded into her like a mental checklist. After all, she couldn't leave the impression that she didn't know what she was doing, although she honestly didn't know how casting calls for music videos worked. At least she could pretend she was a seasoned professional.

She heard all the talking and commotion in the room come to a sudden halt and slowly start back up again as she walked into the room. She smiled slightly, it was nice to know she had that effect on people.

She took a glanced around the room as she made herself comfortable--that was one of the tips on the list, it made the directors comfortable-- and observed her competition. The majority of the girls there were all tall, fair and stunning while she was shorter and her skin resembled more of a caramel mochiatto. But either way she was equally as pretty of the rest of the hopefuls there, just in a more exotic way.

At the table up front sat Royce surrounded by many other men who looked like they'd rather be somewhere else, with their heads either in their phones or reading numerous papers, but Royce seemed like he was really into this.

Aralon noted as he scrutinized each girl, not in a lustful, "which one would be the best in bed" type of way but more of a "she has to be THE one" way. He took his work very seriously, she concluded.

"Alright, girls. Find a spot, get cozy. I didn't expect there'd be so many of you. Any questions?", said some guy with a headset. The chatter died down. There were no questions. Everyone in the entertainment business knew that "any questions?" was just code for "are you ready?". Aralon knew it was time for business.

Each girl had to give the panel her portfolio (if she had one), walk a bit and answer a few questions about herself.

"Can you dance?", Royce would ask a girl every now and then. Aralon observed that he only said it to girls that he really had his eye on.

"Yeah.", they usually said with a slight giggle.

"But can you dance bachata?", he stressed the word.

If they answered "no" he would dismiss them. Politely, but with slight disappointment. If they said yes, he nodded his head in approval and write something down as they walked off.

When it was Aralon's turn, Royce smiled. "I remember you. I couldn't forget that name. Aralon. It's different." That was a good sign. That meant she stood out.

She smiled as she handed it he portfolio and proceeded to do as the panel instructed her too. She did her walk and answered her questions without a problem. Then came the question.

"Can you dance?" He liked her.

She nodded.

"Can you dance bachata?" He was considering her.

"I can."

"Thanks, Aralon.", he smiled again as he wrote something down and the next girl came up.

Aralon felt triumphant as she went to go sit back down. She had this, she figured. This was her chance.

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