Part 1: Chapter 3

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Long lost

He held both of you down. "You're a shapeshifter!! Don't you recognize me?! Any of you?! I was that third kid who didn't have a fairy." Looking up, it was him.

"I thought I was done for when you and Link were gone from this rotten forest. I bet you doubted this forest, didn't you?" He asked you. "Where you came from because you were different. Even from him. When I found out you were a shapeshifter, I thought it was being the kid I was, I searched and searched for people like you. Seems there are. Stealing their blood, I became a shapeshifter myself! You know why you can't get your ability back? Because you're cursed. You're a failure. Why are you here when the rest of your bloodline is somewhere else?!"

You unconsciously shape-shifted but barely, it's like you were glitching. "You will never be king!" You heard Link shout. "And you, acting like a hero because you are Hylia's chosen favorite. Zelda is dead, admit it. I am all the hope you have left."

Out of a sudden, a knife scraped his cheek. Someone dressed like a ninja with a symbol in their chest was standing in the distance. The false king let go of both you and Link. The ninja was seriously fast. The king decided to escape since he knew he couldn't attack.

The ninja slowly approached you. "Are you two alright?" He asked. Link's eyes widen. "H-Hey! You're that dude who I met back at the temple!"

He nodded. "My name's Sheik. I am part of the Sheikah tribe. You may know my leader, Impa."

Link picked you up from the floor.

"That man is evil. It doesn't matter if he has the blood of your people or if he lived here, he cannot rule..!" You listened as you tried to stand up correctly. "You can't shape-shift. At least, not yet. If you try, you'll just exhaust yourself. He was right, you are cursed. Like any curse, you can find a way to get rid of it. Go to the Gerudos, chances right now may be that they'll let you in. Talk to Nabooru. She can help. Until then, goodbye." In a poof, sheik disappeared.


Just outside of the forest, you and Link camped. Hearing the fire crack in such a dark night felt so safe. Something was different about Link. Maybe the fact that he was grown.

He was fixing his belt and bag full of goods he had, you stared at him for a few seconds. A feeling from your heart connected to your stomach made want to scream in happiness.

"That day. All of us saw destruction coming from Hyrule Castle. I was extremely worried something had happened to you. I'm just're alright.." You told him. He smiled softly. "I didn't know what would happen. All I could think about was you, honestly. 'I have to get back to her.' Was my thought." Link responded. You reached your hand out to him. "Let's stay together this time, yes?" You suggested. He took it with both his hands. "Forever." He responded.


Next day, you and Link walked all the way to Gerudo Valley, to the Gerudo Fortress, they wouldn't let you in. "Please! Tell us where Nabooru is!" You asked the guards. One pulled you aside. "She's not here right now. You should've come 7 years ago.." She said.

Walking back to Link who was far from the Fortress, you told him the same thing. "There is a way..but I'm not sure if you can be able to go with me.." He said. Going to the Temple of Time, you followed Link all the way to the end..where the Master Sword was.

He placed the sword back on its pedestal. Stepping into the symbol on the floor, you were really confused. "Take my hand." He offered. You placed your hand on his and closed your eyes as light surrounded both of you.

Opening them, Link was a child. "What.."

Looking at yourself, you freaked out. "I'm a kid..!"

"We're 7 years in the past!" Link said. "Let's hurry to Nabooru!"

Running to the Spirit Temple, you talked to Nabooru.

"The shapeshifters..They were by our side in the Hylian Civil War. Ever since, we haven't heard of them. There were rumors that they had gone extinct by someone cold blooded who   killed them..They lived south from here, the desert will end and you'll see mountains..there they lived. I don't suggest you go there though if you find one of them. They DESPISE Hylians!" She said. "Thank you.."

"But hey! You're not leaving here until you do something for me!"


Returning the favor to Nabooru, you and Link went 7 years back into the future. Turning back into being grown, you were amazed. Going deep into the ends of the desert, you looked up to see a different land.

"Wow.." You saw a village so far away. Link covered his ears with his cap. You had round ears so you didn't have to. Entering the village, there were people in it. "I thought they were extinct.." Link whispered. "I know..but those 7 years could've done something..I mean, take a look at you." You responded.

You hear a little girl pulling onto her father. "Please! Father! Don't take it!" He was selling all of their things for money. Walking more up front, people were threatening others.

Someone stopped in front of you. "What is your business here?" She asked. "Uhm..we just came across this village and thought we could use some rest." You were nervous.

"Mm. Follow me."

Following the lady, she led you two to a big room. Where you guessed who was sitting at the front was their leader. "You think I can't sense you?" He exclaimed. Either it was you or Link. "(Y/N)."

Link let out a relief sigh while you were panicking on the inside.

"Why are you here?"

The Hylian Shapeshifter (OOT Link x reader)Where stories live. Discover now