Part 1: Chapter 4

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"I came here to find answers. I-I was told here lived the people who shape-shifted, is that right?" You asked. "The ones who are in this room are the last who can.." The leader said. "Well..I can too! The problem is that I'm cursed. I can't shape-shift anymore." You hugged yourself.

The leader gave a command to one of his maids. She took Link outside of the room.

"Your parents were great people, (Y/N). When we heard the word that they had a baby, we rejoiced. All of us couldn't wait to see what baby she could grow into..until, we had a fight against the people of Hyrule. We fought aside the Gerudo. Anything to win. Your parents were the greatest fighters. The strongest ones we had. Us shapeshifter are able be quick on our feet and sense things when we can..or that's what we thought. A forbidden rule we have had since our ancestors was to never have any strong feelings about anyone. Love, or hate. You would grow weak. At the war, we had the upper hand until they caught us unexpectedly. We ran back to our land as someone stayed behind to stall the Hylians. That would be your mother."

"She grew weak over time so she had to make the sacrifice. Once the war was over, your father grieved so much he went insane. We tried to check on him, but he was alone, no sign of his baby. Everyone looked for her. Still nothing. Eventually, he forgot about her and became strong once again. A few years ago, we found his corpse around Hyrule. Those dammed devils..!! We are too weak to fight for our people.."

You couldn't say anything except one thing. "Was that baby me?"

The leader nodded. "You should leave if this the answer you wanted." He said. "There's someone in the land of Hyrule who's has your fighter's blood, stolen of course. That's why you found his corpse." You claimed. "Wait. You're seriously not thinking of saving that place..are you?" He stood up right in front of your face. "I am. That's where I ended in. That's my home!"

"The boy in green. He's hylian, isn't he? That's why you can't shape-shift! You've been too comfortable, you're in love with the boy!!"

The guards started aggressively pulling you. "What?! No!"

"No shape-shifter by the laws should end up in their lands!! Any traitor will die!"

They ended up taking you outside. "Let me go!!"

You saw someone take Link's cap off as he was being chained. "Pointy ears..!" They all pulled out a knife. "All Hylians we captured ended up having their ears cut off from them as a reward for us!" One said.

"Link!!!" Without guessing it, you shape-shifted into Sheik. By shape-shifting into someone, you get to earn their skills, as long as you remain in their shape, not yours. "What is this?!?!"

You pushed everyone off with the speed and power you had. "You did it!" Link shouted.

Someone got close to you with a knife, so you quickly dodge. Doing a few flashy tricks, Link was amazed.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into! You don't know even know what you are!" The leader shouted.

"I guess, but you are all sick! You're powerless because you're still in grief for one of your warriors yet hate the race that killed her even though you just mentioned we can't hate or love!" You shouted back.

Link started running as so did you. "C'mon!"

You and Link quickly left back to Hyrule and hid behind a wall. Going back to your normal, you sat down on the ground. "We should..probably go back to being children for now..Plus, I still have some things to do." Link said. "Right.."

Walking with Link all the way to the Temple of Time, you stopped. "I should stay here.." You said. "What?" Link turned to face you. "I have to. If I go with you to the past, I might bring danger along and it'll stop you. You still have to save Princess Zelda..Link." You placed your hand on his. He nodded. "I will be back." He smiled and left.

Silence surrounded you as he was gone from sight. Running out of Hyrule castle because of the redeads attempting to harm you. Seeing a shadow take over you, you gasped in shock to see what it was.

The Hylian Shapeshifter (OOT Link x reader)Where stories live. Discover now