Part 2: Chapter 11

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"I came take your power, not to kill you. So please, don't resist." Duvessa got closer to you. Someone took you by the hand and pulled you behind one of the houses.

"Link! You're here!"

The house blew up and sent you both to different directions. You saw her head toward you, so your arm transformed into something to send her away. "Why do you want it?!"

"So we can destroy all of Hyrule! We're so near it!" She smiled. "But why? Why them? The other shapeshifters had a good reason, they thought you two were dead! But you just want to because you're evil!"

She stayed quiet. Why would she want to destroy hylians?

Grabbing your arm and throwing you towards Link, she shouted. "You know nothing!!"

Someone attacked her unexpectedly. It was Impa and Zelda. "(Y/N)! Use what I taught you!" Zelda screamed.

You nodded. "Link. Help me."

While Duvessa and Impa were fighting, you were quickly planning on how to get her, if she had noticed you, your plan would fail.

You faced your hand towards Link. Duvessa turned. "Yes! Yes!! Kill him!!"

"(Y/N)? What are you doing?" Link placed the Master sword down. As the magic appeared on your arm until the last second, you released onto Duvessa. "You tricked magic?"

A black aura was surrounding her chest. Link took the Master sword and stabbed her in the chest. She began grunting, screaming and gasping for air to suddenly let out that black aura spread all over Hyrule. After that, she fell onto the floor unconscious.


Zelda thought it would be best if you would stay away from Duvessa. Who knows what would happen when she wakes up.

Once she did, her eyes looked different. Before they were plain black, now they're hazel brown. "Where am I?" She asked. "It can't be. Do you remember anything from the past hours?" Impa asked her.

She shook her head. "Where's Brone?! Where's my baby?!" Her eyes widen is worry. "Your baby?" Link turned to her. "Yes! He-He had taken my baby from me! He killed my husband and took my baby girl!"

Zelda, Impa and Link looked at each other.

"And- my people! Where are they?!"

"They're gone..and your baby, that was 17 years ago." Zelda responded. "What..?"

"I'm guessing..Brone took control over her since then and never had an idea what she was doing." Impa quietly told Zelda. Link got out.

You sat alone on the well. Hearing Link nearby, you smiled. "Anything?"

"Somethings are unclear.." He sat next to you. "It would be very difficult for her to recognize you, that's for sure."

You looked down. Link got an idea. "Follow me, (Y/N)."

He took you to Kokiri Forest. "What're we doing here?" You asked. He got under a tree, taking out a something in a blanket. Revealing what it was, it's a little dragon.

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