Part 2: Chapter 10

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"The blind cannot fix anything. The naive won't listen. Their titles mean nothing. The magic they seek will turn their backs."

She said.

You opened your eyes. Everyone panicked outside. A sword appeared by your side. Walking to where everyone was, you see your doppelgänger.

Her eyes widen as she sees you. Grabbing the sword as quickly as you could, you threw it across her body. "You will leave Hyrule!!"

Stabbing her, she vanished.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)." Princess Zelda said. "No, no. Your plan worked! I'm awake!" You smiled at her. Link came hugging you. "That was awesome, (Y/N)!" He shouted. "Really..?"

He nodded. You had a fear inside. Either you would sleep and go unconscious for another month or..find what you found in your dream come true.

So you began searching for clues about everything Princess Zelda told about the magic shapeshifters used.


It was a different story in lands far from Hyrule. It was just him and her, conquering and killing the people they wanted.

He was the brawn and she was the brain.

"Have you no shame for what you did to your daughter?!" A man shouted to the lady.

She got down to his level. With one touch, he was dead. She was stronger than Hyrule's King of Evil. She had the body of greek goddess, but in her man's eyes, she was the goddess. Her name was Duvessa.

He walked past her. "Nothing here?"

"No. It seems not." She responded.

"(Y/N) got out of the spell. I don't know how! But she got out, can you believe that?" He looked up. "I do, actually. You don't see the people around her? She has literal reincarnations of legends around her."

"Let's keep moving then."


Impa was checking anything else you had. "You're alright. However, I suggest you stay nearby here, where you'll be safe or at least be around someone. If any poison is around, it can cause you another deep sleep. Prevent that." She said.

"Thank you.."

Zelda was teaching you the magic she mentioned to Link earlier ago. You were slowly getting it. It was an energy-type magic that you could only use against hylians, but Zelda knew you'd never mean any harm on them. She expects you to change it, at least.


Duvessa was running aside him. "Brone! Did you get it?" She asked him. "No! Not yet!"

Both them were trying to steal a crystal from a tower. Filled with magic dwellers. There were soon trapped and had no idea what to do. Before the guards could come in and get them, Brone took out crystal, different from the one they were looking for. Throwing it on the floor, it created a portal. He grabbed Duvessa by the arms and told her to run. "What?!"

"Go! Search for her! I will stay here and fight! You have to run!!" He pushed her into the portal. Falling in, she ended up in a familiar land.

"Is this Hyrule?"

A soldier was walking nearby her and did a stance once he saw Duvessa. She quickly killed him.


All of you were sleeping, until a different soldier knocked in the door. "Lady Impa! Princess Zelda!"

They open the door.
"One of our own was supposed to come back, but he never did. We checked to see where he could be and once we did, he was found dead! Not only that, we found this next to him." The soldier was holding a piece of a broken crystal.

Zelda got alarmed. "Those are very powerful crystals, you're lucky you haven't died yet.." She took it from him. "Link is currently with our troops because Princess Ruto has been seeing suspicious things." He said.

You were going to head outside, but Impa stopped you. "I'm sorry, but it's too dangerous."


Duvessa was everywhere. She was in the air. Literally. Another soldier was killed the next day.

Link came back for a while. "I have to hurry. I need to save them all, (Y/N)." He said, looking extremely bothered and distressed.

Two more soldiers were murdered. Impa and Zelda headed out to investigate and search. You saw Link in a second.

"Link!" You followed him. "Stay here, (Y/N)." Was all he said. "Let me help!"

"Trust me. No one knows what's going on. If..If you get poisoned again, we'll have another problem is our hands. More people are getting killed and disappearing, not just Hylian troops." He said, facing away from you.

"Yes, but I can watch out for myself. I've been training with Princess Zelda, I can't stay here and watch!" You responded. "(Y/N)! Please! If there's a slight chance I can protect someone, it has to be you! I can't risk it! You'll be gone away for another month." He turned around.

His eyes looked different.

"Impa's reason seems way different than yours. You're stressed about it."

"Yes! Of course I am, (Y/N)! Because everything I am trying to do, you get in my way!!" He shouted. "Do not try and turn this against me! I'm not the one who's doing all of this!!" You shouted back. Link started laughing. "You say you can watch out for yourself, yet don't sense me. Ignore my eyes!" He was transforming into a woman. It was Duvessa.

"Where's Link?"

"There's still investigating, they just don't know I'm here." She said, grabbing your face. "You wanna get poisoned again?!"

You shapeshifted into something small to get away. She turned into Link and kicked you.


Link eyes widen in realization as he saw Impa and Zelda from afar. "(Y/N)!"

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