Part 1: Chapter 5

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There are so many monsters in this world.

You gasped at the sight in front of you. An ugly beast with so many flaws.

"My name is Dolion and I present you your tribe!" The false king appeared right in front of you, lifting his arm up, pointing at the beast.


"Don't worry! They won't attack you unless you attack me first!" He laughed. You couldn't believe it. "The absolute fear in your eyes! Wow! I love it." He went in for a hit but you quickly dodged, accidentally kicking him away. "No!!" It was your first instinct to do so.

As Dolion kept trying to attack, you were getting exhausted. Unexpectedly, the beast pinned you down to the floor. "Stop..!"

"Where are your abilities right now?!"

Looking at the eyes of the beast, you hear them cry as they call your name. Someone began attacking it from behind. "(Y/N)! I know you're strong! Use your power!!" Impa shouted.

The beast used its other arm to pass the corruption onto you. Letting you go, you locked eyes with Dolion. Running to him, he got scared. "You should be dead by now!! What is this?!"

You could shapeshift parts of your body while staying in human form. The corruption began showing on your face, parts were showing red and white like a similar monster in this land.

Dolion punched you but that did nothing.

"Only the attacks of the purity of this land can harm me and you aren't one of them!!" You said unconsciously. Dolion feared for his life. "Protect me!" Another beast like the one before came to save him. Impa kept reviewing what you had said.

That beast grabbed your head, trying to get into your head. Which was working, the voices kept filling your head..but the adrenaline, the hatred was what kept you moving.

"You failed us, (Y/N)! Help me!"

"I can't!" You shouted. Transforming your arm into a sharp object, you cut the beast's arm off and it completely turned into dust.

More beasts came in. You kept trying to fight them. The adrenaline was lowering as you were getting used to it and the guilt of killing your own blood was going overboard.


Link came back. "I hope she's safe right now." He said to himself and ran out. His eyes widen to what he saw. "(Y/N)."

Your eyes were close to being gone and your skin had bits of red and white all over. Impa was being ambushed. She had to protect Kakariko village. You turned to see him.

"Link?" And smiled. "I'm here, (Y/N)!" He ran to you. "You'll be okay! What're these things..?" He held you close. You could hear his warm heart beat. It felt so familiar.

"It's them. We left..and they turned into this." You responded. "His name is Dolion." Pointing to him. "He's causing all of this."

"I should've known." Link was ready to fight. Dolion got close to Link and your first move was to grab and send him away. You kept hearing of the voices come together. "Get out! Please!!"

Dolion came back. Grabbing him again, you slammed him into the ground. Turning your arm into a circular weapon, you pierced a hole through him. Link and Impa were shocked.

"Link! You have to cut through her! Her blood is being poisoned, you are the only one with a pure heart that can save her!" Impa said. "What?!..I won't hurt hurt her?" He asked.

Impa shook her head.

You turn to see Link out of a sudden, cutting your skin in different places. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)! I have to!"

You fell facing down once he was finished.

Your hand tried to reach him. "Link..."

"You think that worked?"

"Of course! He has a hole in his stomach because of her. She's really strong!"

Different voices appeared but this time, Link and Impa heard. "What're you?!"

Something came out of Dolion. Two beings that turned into a man and a woman.

"We're shapeshifters, but we're different from each other. We are the best warriors they had."

Link's eyes widen in realization. "Don't worry. We don't want her. I mean, we do. We just want to get rid of them, including her. But's not a good time! When she wakes up, you'll see us once again!" They disappeared.

Impa picked you up. "She needs urgent care."


You were laying down in bed, unconscious.

Link was worried. "Will she be okay..?"

"It will take care days to wake up. You should keep going on your quest, Link." Impa responded, placing warm towels on your arms.

"I don't want to leave her though.." He said. "She's in safe hands."

Link nodded. "I'll be quick, (Y/N)..I won't make you wait now.." He caressed your cheek.

The Hylian Shapeshifter (OOT Link x reader)Where stories live. Discover now