Yankee White Pt. 1

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I am Aubrey Valentina Gibbs, and I am 10 years old. I am in Grade 7 instead of Grade 4, and am very smart for my age. I'm homeschooled because the bullying was too much. The children kept teasing me for being a nerd, and the Grade 7 students didn't like that I was younger than them, and as smart as, if not smarter, then them. I've been told that though I am physically 10, I'm mentally 13. Right now, I'm helping my father in the basement. I was watching him sand a boat, who's frame was being smoothed out. I was sanding along with him for fun. My father works in a high-stress job at the NCIS, short for Naval Criminal Investigative Service. Thankfully though, I've been spending the whole day, so far, with my father, Leroy Jethro Gibbs. The peace and calm was disturbed by Dad's phone. He paused his sanding, while motioning for me to stop as well. Since I'm super short, I was standing on a stool. Dad stopped me because he didn't want me to get hurt. I stopped and gently placed the sandpaper down and climbed down from the stool. I walked over to my father in hopes to try and figure out what was happening. Dad motioned me to stop and turned his attention to his phone. He finished his call and turned to me. 

"That was DiNozzo, and he said that there was a death on Air Force One." I nodded and turned to the television, getting some details from the news. Dad ran up the stairs, while I climbed them slowly. I was a little disappointed that our bonding time was cut short, but I understood. Dad was almost always busy, and putting away criminals, but sometimes I wish he was just my dad. Dad turned around and looked at me. 

"You coming with Bri?" I smiled and raced after Dad. I shut the lights off and closed the door. Dad and I packed our bags and got in the car. 

"Dad. What's going on?" Dad turned to me and spoke softly. 

"We're going to meet DiNozzo at the airport and then fly to Wichita." I nodded, before sighing. I'd have to put up with DiNozzo. Dad smirked at me and stomped on the gas. 

It wasn't long before we reached the airport, and found DiNozzo. We climbed the stairs to security after grabbing our tickets. 

"Dad, are we meeting Ducky?" Dad nodded, while listening to DiNozzo complaints. 

"Every government agency has their own jet; FBI, CIA, DEA, ATF, even NYPD have private jets." DiNozzo listed. Dad shot back. 

"36 cents a mile, you want to drive?" Dad and I smirked before reaching the security officer. DiNozzo wouldn't drop the subject. 

"It's humiliating." I smiled at the officer before turning to my dad. DiNozzo spoke up, 

"Hey, we're LEOs." The officer didn't get it, and replied jokingly. 

"And I'm a Capricorn." I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"Must be new," I murmured to myself. At the same time, DiNozzo spoke again. 

"LEO, short for law enforcement officer." Dad caught onto my wavelength though. 

"You new at this, Dennis?" he questioned. The officer nodded. 

"This is my first week." He smiled. DiNozzo and Dad flashed both of their badges, while I gave the officer my passport with the NCIS seal on my info page. It was like an official badge, but I don't truly work there. Dad let's me help on occasion, and I'm usually spending time with dad at work. The officer looked confused and slightly abashed. 

"NCIS. Never heard of it." His response made me giggle slightly. Dad turned to DiNozzo and I, smiling a bit at my reaction, and said, 

"That's embarrassing." The officer tried to recover the nice banter between them, probably feeling bad for not knowing. 

"NCIS, anything like CSI?" DiNozzo was offended. 

"Only if you're dyslexic." he scoffed. The officer felt really bad, but continued with his business. 

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