Yankee White Pt. 2

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I woke up to my dad getting up and carrying me. I just snuggled into his neck. 

"Go back to sleep dear, I got you." I lifted my head up and looked at him. 

"Is she okay?" He nodded. 

"Ducky is checking her out right now." I nodded. Being carried always made me tired, so I was really sleepy when we reached her. He set me down next to her, while making sure that I wasn't too close and got in Ducky's way. 

"No temperature." I sighed in relief. She would be okay. Ducky continued with his analysis. 

"I think it's a stomach virus." I nodded along, understanding how he thought that. Agent Todd confirmed his suspicions. 

"I know it is." She tried to lighten the mood. 

"Did you use that thermometer on cadavers?" Ducky smiled. 

"Would you rather I use the liver probe?" I asked her a question, gaining her attention. 

"Why are you so sure it was the flu?" I asked innocently. She sighed before turning to me. 

"It's the same symptoms Major Kerry had." I was curious. 

"Well, did you work together recently?" Agent Todd shook her head, while giving my dad a look. He motioned me over and covered my ears. Ducky continued to speak.

"Well, if you didn't work with him, then h-"I think he remembered that I could read lips as well, so he turned me so I was facing him and went back to covering my ears. Dad let me go, letting the sound come back to me. Dad laughed a little while looking at Agent Todd. I was confused, what were they talking about? Agent seemed to answer my unasked question. 

"You gonna lecture me about sleeping with people you work with?" Dad just shook his head. I realized how she got sick, and just shook my head at her.

"Nope." The intercom came on, giving the plane a message. 

"Agent Todd, Agent Baer's on the secure line for you." Dad looked at her and joked. 

"Want me to take that call for you?" Dad asked jokingly, but he also hated being out of the loop. I leaned in to him, still feeling exhausted. Dad kissed the top of my head. 

"Go back to sleep." I nodded and snuggled closer to him. Agent Todd shook her head. 

"I'd have to be dead." Agent Todd left to take her call. Dad picked me up and carried me with him. 

He gave me to DiNozzo and went to the bathroom. 

"Hi Uncle Tony." I murmured sleepily. He glanced down at me. 

"Hey little Gibbs." Dad was talking while I was drifting off. 

"What'd you get?" DiNozzo spoke softly, but loud enough for Dad to hear. 

"Food security is very tight." Ducky came in and took a picture of DiNozzo and I in the President's chair. He continued to explain to my dad what he found. 

"Incognito purchases, randomly selected stores, no one knows they're buying for Air Force One." DiNozzo gave me to Ducky and let Ducky sit in the chair. A quiet whine escaped me, expressing my distaste. Ducky gave me an apologetic look. 

"Sorry dear." DiNozzo took our picture before giving the camera back to Ducky and switching positions. Ducky handed me off to DiNozzo again. I whined again, wanting so badly to go back to sleep. DiNozzo continued to talk to dad. 

"The stewards usually prepare all the food, but today the President had ribs and coleslaw flown in from a smokehouse in San Antonio. So they only reheated them and served them." Dad continued to ask them what they knew. 

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