Hung Out to Dry Pt.3

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Gibbs POV:

I walked with DiNozzo to the aircraft, following the flood of Marines. We were going to try and get the bastard to confess. In order to do that, we needed to be on that plane for the jump. DiNozzo and I reached the aircraft, when the captain noticed us.

"Hey Cap." I spoke, making him stare at us.

"Aren't you a little old to re-up?" I sighed, but spoke anyway.

"I heard there's a war going on." The captain turned to DiNozzo.

"Agent DiNozzo, can't tell if you're enlisting or just listing." DiNozzo smirked.

"That's a good one." DiNozzo said. I spoke up, bringing back the topic.

"We're going with you boys. NCIS training mission." I lied, trying to get us on the plane.

"Now why don't I believe that?" I sighed and internally rolled my eyes. The captain took a few moments before agreeing with us. "Hell, why not? Hate to pass up the opportunity to toss a couple NCIS agents out of a plane." DiNozzo and I were let on, and we went to take our seats with the others. When we sat down, the plane took off. Soon, we were steady in the air. Brinkman spoke to us to pass the time until we reached the drop zone.

"Why are you jumping with us, sir?" DiNozzo spoke up before I could.

"I always wanted to jump. Agent Gibbs came along to laugh." DiNozzo spoke, making me shrug.

"Hard to believe Dave killed Thumper over a lousy two weeks suspension, sir." Corporal Dafelmair said. I nodded.

"Yeah." I said, non-committedly. Brinkman spoke up.

"Thumper rode him, sir. But no more than the rest of us. It just doesn't make sense." I nodded at the information. DiNozzo decided to start acting now. I winced imperceptibly at his horrible acting.

"Oh no!" DiNozzo exclaimed. I internally rolled my eyes.

"What? Chickening out?" Dafelmair asked. DiNozzo shook his head.

"13. It's my first jump and my reserve is number 13." I turned to face the guys.

"Wouldn't have bothered Thumper, would it guys?" They shook their heads. I continued. "Any of you superstitious?" They shook their heads again.

"No, sir." They spoke in unison. I nodded.

"Great! Why don't you swap with Corporal Brinkman?" I spoke to DiNozzo, finally joining in his acting. DiNozzo nodded before speaking to Brinkman.

"What's your reserve chute number?" DiNozzo asked Brinkman. Unfortunately, DiNozzo didn't like his answer.

"Four." Brinkman answered. DiNozzo freaked out a bit.

"Four? No, four is unlucky in China." DiNozzo stated. I rolled my eyes at him. I just wanted to put the killer away and get to Aubrey so we could go home and sleep. She was probably waiting at my desk for us to return.

"We're not in China." I retorted. DiNozzo shook his head.

"I don't care." DiNozzo responded adamantly. He turned to Dafelmair. "What's your number?" Dafelmair was confused, but answered him.

"Eight." Dafelmair answered. DiNozzo nodded, accepting his answer.

"Great! Eight's lucky in China." DiNozzo spoke up with a smile on his face. Dafelmair hesitated, so I spoke up.

"Is there a problem?" Dafelmair gave in and shook his head.

"No, sir." He switched reserves with DiNozzo before the Captain spoke up.

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