Hung Out to Dry Pt. 1

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I was with Dad in the basement. He was back, working on the boat. I brought a book to read since my arms were starting to get sore from working. The TV was on as background noise. I looked at Dad, worried, especially since all his phones were out of service. What if someone needs to get a hold of Dad? This was going against his rules. Rule number three: Never be unreachable. As I was lost in my thoughts, I heard the front door open. Dad was too focused on his boat, that he didn't hear it, or he didn't care. It was a rough day for both of us, but especially for Dad. I heard footsteps heading towards the basement. I closed my book and looked at Dad. He seemed relaxed, but I was tense. I kept my book in one hand, my arm taut and ready to throw it. I tried focusing more on the footsteps, but my adrenaline kicked in. I couldn't hear them over the thumping of my heart. I saw the shadow and got ready to aim. When the person was visible, I threw the book at them, hitting them in the chest.

"Oww." It was a man's voice. They stepped into the light and I blushed.

"Oops." I shrugged, glancing at my dad, who watched the whole thing go down. He was smirking at the person. I turned to the revealed person.

"Sorry Uncle Tony." I apologized. DiNozzo shrugged it off.

"Nice reflexes little Gibbs." I just nodded. DiNozzo turned to my dad, sort of in exasperation."Don't you lock the door?"Dad shook his head.

"Nope." DiNozzo just sighed. I watched as he looked around the room for a bit.

"I got a call. Quantico. Marine got killed in an exercise." I was curious. That shouldn't be possible, unless he was murdered.

"How?" I asked, dragging DiNozzo's attention away from the room. He answered me.

"Night training jump. The guy's chute didn't open." He turned to Dad. "This a boat?" I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. Dad tried to ignore his idiotic question.

"His reserve chute fail, too?" Dad pressed, hoping for answers. DiNozzo shrugged.

"I don't know." DiNozzo looked around before noticing Dad's cell phone in paint thinner, and the landline ripped from the wall. "I tried your cell." he said, making it clear that he saw. "Tried your hard line, too." I shook my head at DiNozzo. How stupid could he be. Didn't he know that this day was hard for the both of us.

"Don't ask." I warned DiNozzo, my voice hard. DiNozzo tried to lighten the mood, and turn away from the tension.

"You know, my dad gave me a power sander for my birthday. You're welcome to use it." I shook my head at his obliviousness. Did he seriously think Dad had lots of outlets?

Dad spoke up, exasperation filled his tone. "Besides that bare bulb there and a cord going to that idiot box, you see a power cord around here anywhere?" DiNozzo shook his head.

"You use hand tools, huh?" I just sighed. DiNozzo was just causing my dad to be irritated, especially before a case. I tried to lessen the tension in the room.

"He uses his hands. Did you call Ducky?" I interrupted, causing the attention to shift to me. DiNozzo shook his head at my question, while giving me a relieved smile.

"Not yet." Dad started up the stairs before stopping two steps in.

"Give me your cell." DiNozzo tossed his cell to Dad, who thankfully caught it. I don't know what DiNozzo would do if Dad didn't. He started up the stairs again, and I followed him shortly after. As I reached the top, I bent down and grabbed my book. I looked at DiNozzo and saw him stare at the room in awe and confusion.

"He's a weirdo." I heard him mutter. Dad looked back and saw only me, so he yelled down to the basement.

"You coming DiNozzo?" DiNozzo nodded his head.

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