Seadog Pt. 2

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I occupied myself by drawing more pictures. It wasn't long until I drew one for everyone on the team. For DiNozzo, I drew a portrait of him. For Ducky, I drew a lily flower. For Abby, I drew a doll on a pumpkin. For Dad, I drew him a picture of a boat. As soon as I finished, I heard DiNozzo speak.

"How was lunch?" He asked. I looked up and saw my father. I smiled up at him. He looked over at me and smiled back.

"They here yet?" He asked, turning back to DiNozzo. DiNozzo nodded.

"Downstairs, waiting." DiNozzo said. Dad and DiNozzo started to head to the elevator. I got up and chased after them, my sketchbook clutched to my chest.

"Dad." I spoke, catching his attention. He had just hit the button to call the elevator, when I called his name. He turned around and looked at me.

"What's the problem, Aubrey?" He asked me. I blushed in embarrassment.

"I just wanted you to look at my sketches, and I also wanted to know if I could come with." I spoke softly, looking at Dad. Dad sighed, pondering the idea.

"I don't know, Aubrey. You can show me your sketches after the meeting." Dad said. I nodded. Dad hesitated on whatever he was going to say. "I'm probably going to regret this, but yes, you can come with." I smiled and hugged him. I piled in the elevator with them. DiNozzo waited for an answer from Dad, but he didn't receive one.

"You're not going to tell me about lunch, are you?" DiNozzo asked. Dad shook his head.

"No." Dad confirmed. DiNozzo tried to sign something, but it wasn't comprehensible. Dad and I looked at him before Dad tried to rile him up.

"You should wash your hands with soap." Dad said. DiNozzo paled, thinking he said something terrible. He turned to me, hoping I'd tell him otherwise, but I just looked away. The rest of the ride was silent. When the doors opened, we were in the autopsy room. The DEA walked over to our little group.

"Special Agent Gibbs. Frank Trujillo and Darryl Wilkins as requested." The DEA informed us, pointing out who was who. Dad nodded before heading to the locker area. I stayed by the elevator just in case I needed to make a quick escape.

"Over here." Dad commanded. We all met around the lockers. Dad opened one and pulled out the body. He opened the other one and pulled the other body out. He was watching them for their reactions, and Dad found one.

"That a glimmer of recognition I just saw?" He asked, suspicious. He was in interrogation mode, and no one should interrupt him. Dad continued. "It seems these two belong to you." He said to Frank. Frank nodded, making Darryl sigh in relief.

"Well, good. I can slide, right?" Darryl asked. Dad shook his head.

"Not if you killed them." Dad shot back. Darryl looked taken aback.

"Never scuffed anyone in my life." Darryl stated. Dad was angry now.

"I'm the only one not finding anything funny here. You know why? This naval commander didn't die a natural death or fighting for his country. He died in a crossfire between you two dirtbags." Dad scolded, making the two rivals look a bit ashamed. Frank sighed.

"I want my lawyer." He said after a moment. Dad shook his head.

"This was found on these two boys in the cooler. It's counterfeit. Comes from a foreign government known to support terrorism. That makes you two dirt bags suspected enemy combatants under the Patriot Act. Tony, read them their rights. Put them on the first Navy transport to Gitmo." Dad bluffed, making Frank and Darryl exchange nervous glances.

"You do not have the right to remain silent. You do not have the right to an attorney..." DiNozzo kept reading them the false Articles. The DEA was confused and worried.

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