Seadog Pt. 3

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Gibbs' POV:

DiNozzo was driving to the node as Kate spoke up.

"Agent Fornell is concentrating agents on the three key nodes. He's also emailed me a driver's photo." She said, typing in the back. I was slightly impressed.

"That was fast." I complimented. Kate just shrugged.

"They had the van number." She stated. "Here, take a look." She said before handing me the laptop. I glanced at the photo and name before giving it back to her.

"It's an alias. What's he do?" I asked. Kate read the bio before answering me.

"Power line inspector." She informed me. I looked at the power lines and pointed to the closest ones.

"Is our node at the end of that transmission line?" I asked Kate. She pulled up her map before nodding.

"Yes. About a mile west." She said. I saw an upcoming road, and pointed it out to DiNozzo.

"Take that road." I ordered, making DiNozzo take the turn sharply. The truck behind us honked their horn at us, but I ignored them. DiNozzo drove through the gate, causing the doors to open.

"Didn't think you'd want to stop to open the gate." He said, trying to justify his reasoning. I just waved it off.

"Hell, no." I said, before explaining what we were doing to Kate. "They don't have to blow the nodes. This guy knows where to take down three transmission towers and do the same thing." I stated. Kate was confused, and doubtful.

"How do we know this line is one of them?" She asked. I just simplified it.

"It crosses the node, doesn't it?" I stated. Kate sighed.

"Two lines cross this node in and out. That's four places within a mile of the node that he can blow a tower down" She informed me. I just shrugged.

"Well, maybe we'll get lucky." I said, knowing how lucky I got in the past.

"Nobody's that lucky." Kate said, thinking that this was a waste of time. I saw the towers, and at the base was a man with glasses, a computer and a gun.

"We are." I stated, smirking a bit. The man noticed us and started to frantically yell into the phone. Kate was still doubtful.

"Well, he could be a power company employee doing his job." She stated, before the man picked up the rifle and shot at us. The front of the car and the windshield had a few bullet holes in it. I took out my gun and started firing at the man from the window.

"No, I don't think so!" I shot back at Kate. DiNozzo came to a stop while the three of us got out and shot at the man, taking cover behind the car doors. "Freeze!" I yell at the man. The man loses his glasses and starts dialing numbers. I aimed and fired again, before he was dead. Kate, DiNozzo and I walked up to the tower base. I noticed the wires connected to the tower and the computer. "Phone's got detonators." I observed. Kate nodded before looking at the computer.

"Looks like the other two must have the same setup. Looks like he's got all three phones set to the same number." She informed us. I sighed.

"How many numbers did he dial?" I asked her.

"Six." She told me with a hint of relief. I nodded.

"One more and-" I started before DiNozzo interrupted me.

"Ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom." He finished. I nodded before turning towards the car after examining the wires.

"Lucky he wasn't phone-savvy." I said. Kate and DiNozzo looked at me, confused.

"Savvy enough to wire three phones to the same number." Kate stated. I nodded, agreeing with her.

"Yeah. What if he used speed dial?" I said, letting that thought sink in. We drove back to base and filled out the paperwork.

After I finished my paperwork. I looked over at Aubrey. She was sleeping and curled up in the corner. I took in her relaxed expression before sighing. If today ended differently, or was different in any way, I wouldn't be here. I smiled at her and looked at the time. There was one more thing to do. I gathered Aubrey in my arms, propping her on my hip and walked towards the basketball courts. On the walk there, Aubrey woke up. I kissed her forehead.

"Hi, sleepyhead." I said while setting her down. She grabbed my hand, smiling at me, and we continued our journey. When we reached the courts, there was cheering. It seemed like it already started. I stayed in the shadows while I observed what was happening. The lights were back on and Miss Fontaine was talking about it.

"The lights are back on tonight at Community Centre courts, since Navy Commander Brian Farrell, founder of Urban Lights was cleared today of any connection to the drug war which claimed his life last Sunday. A Community Centre spokesperson issued an apology and announced that a commemorative plaque will be dedicated to the memory of "Seadog", as Commander Farrell was affectionately called by the young men he strived to help have a better life. This is Diane Fontaine, WXEK News. Now back to you." She said before directing the cameraman.

"Doug, I need some "B" roll on the boys." She said before turning to us. She had a smile on her face. "How was that?" She asked. I nodded with a slight smile on my face.

"Very nice." I complimented her. Aubrey gave her a thumbs up, causing Miss. Fontaine to smile and laugh a bit. Her smile faded a bit though from what came from her next.

"I can't guarantee that my producer will air it." She said, trying to not make me angry. I shrugged.

"You're trying. That's a start." I told her, making her nod. Aubrey smiled at her.

"Thank you Miss. Fontaine." She said sweetly, causing her and me to smile.

"You're welcome Aubrey and Jethro." She said, speaking to Aubrey first before turning to me. I smiled before walking away with Aubrey. The car pulled up and I kissed the lady in it before helping Aubrey in. I smiled as I heard the boys' cheers as we left. This was the right thing, I convinced myself.

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