Immortals Pt. 1

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Dad brought me to work and opened his emails. He found a case, calling over the team that just arrived.

"The body was in the water less than 24 hours. NAS Key West tagged and bagged and shipped it over." He told them, while I looked at the computer.

"We have an I.D.?" DiNozzo asked. I nodded and answered, reading from the computer screen.

"Seaman Russell MacDonald. Nineteen. Assigned to the USS Foster." I recited, before Agent Kate interrupted me.

"Destroyer. Spruance class." She stated, making Dad and I smile a bit.

"Hey, look at that! New kid on the block's been doing her homework." He exclaimed. He continued explaining the case.
"USS Foster left Roosevelt Roads Naval Station two days ago en route to Norfolk." Everyone walked over to the map as dad pointed to a spot on the map.
"This is her position now." He pointed to another spot.
"The body was found here, in the Bahamas." DiNozzo perked up.

"Roosevelt Roads?" He asked. Dad nodded, a bit confused.

"Yeah." DiNozzo grew excited.

"That's Puerto Rico." He exclaimed. I was looking at him weirdly.

"Yeah." I said, trying to understand what was happening.

"I love Puerto Rico." DiNozzo blurted out.

"I'm glad." Dad said in disinterest. DiNozzo shook his head.

"No, boss, you don't understand. I love Puerto Rico!" He repeated. I was curious now.

"You been there a lot?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"No! No, that's just it. I've never been there! I mean, I'm so wanting to go! Ever since I was a kid, I was so wanting. Sorry." DiNozzo said excitedly before trailing off after receiving the looks of disbelief and disinterest.
"I just always..."

"Wanted to be there." I said, finishing his sentence. Uncle Tony nodded to me.

"Yeah." He agreed. Dad continued giving the case to the team.

"Sometime night before last, Seaman MacDonald went overboard." Dad informed the team. I was just listening, watching as they took in the information.

"Anyone see or hear anything?" Agent Kate asked. I shook my head, reading the report.

"No. Didn't know he was missing till he failed to report for duty." Dad told her.

"Anything in the medical?" She asked, causing Dad to shake his head.

"We'll get all that when we get onboard," he replied before we ventured towards the elevator. I reached the elevator, silently asking if I could tag along. Dad nodded before hitting the button.

We all clambered in before reaching the med bay.
"Anything else unusual?" Dad asked Ducky when we reached him.

"This is exactly how he was found." Ducky said, motioning to the victim.

"Dress whites? Why?" I asked, making my presence known to Ducky.

"No one knows. There were no formal events scheduled." Dad answered.

"The sword?" Agent Kate asked.

"Officer's ceremonial." I answered, causing some confusion to appear.

"Our man's enlisted." Tony responded, voicing everyone's confusion.

"Yeah. Doesn't make much sense, does it?" Dad said.

"Here's something for the mystery tour." Ducky said, motioning to the sword. He pulled it out and let us look at it.
"This so-called ceremonial sword is sharp enough to slit someone's throat." He let that sink in before putting the sword back. "Do you know why they drive on the left-hand side of the road in England?" He asked us. We all just stared at him. "Dates back to medieval times. Most people were, and still are, right-handed. It allows them to slash at one another when passing on horseback." Ducky explained before miming the action. "Why, you might ask, doesn't this hold true for the rest of Europe?" Ducky asked. Dad tried to get him back on track.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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