Hung Out to Dry Pt.2

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Dad, Agent Kate, and I went to the lab to see Abby. I smiled at her from where I was. The lab wasn't a place to run around, especially not if I could get hurt. Dad spoke up.

"Abby, you have my tox screen results?" Abby nodded.

"Yep, right over here." We followed her to a table. She explained what was on the screen. "The victim tested positive for Percocet and Vicodin." Agent Kate spoke up.

"Double your pleasure." Abby continued the phrase.

"Double you fun." I smiled at the two's behavior. Dad spoke up.

"What kind of levels?" Abby responded, getting back on topic.

"0.17. He was slow-juiced, like a koala bear." I smiled. I like koala bears. "My guess is that he popped it right before he dropped." Abby continued. Dad sighed.

"The Marines we questioned in his string probably knew." Agent Kate was surprised.

'Why didn't they tell us?" She questioned. I answered before anyone else.

"Semper Fi." Abby nodded to my answer.

"You rat, you fry." She joked, causing Dad to glare at her, and my tears to well up.

"Sorry." She said, looking down. I thought about the boy who would never see his father again because someone murdered him. I buried my face in Dad's neck. He just hugged me tighter. I slowly pulled my teary face out of Dad's neck.

"Was his reserve chute okay?" I asked, my voice almost normal. My brain was finally catching me up to speed, as the last dregs of sleep disappeared. Abby nodded.

"Yeah, it was perfect. All he had to do was pop it." Abby continued after a moment. "Well, he might have if his reflexes weren't slowed by opioids." She explained. DiNozzo looked confused.

"Opioids?" DiNozzo asked. I looked at him in shock. Didn't he know? I thought he was a cop before coming to NCIS. Agent Kate spoke up.

"General term for opiates and synthetic analgesics." Abby was proud of her.

"Go Kate." She spoke, congratulating Agent Kate with a fist-bump. Agent Kate turned to DiNozzo confused.

"You sure you were a Baltimore cop?" Agent Kate asked. DiNozzo was embarrassed, so he tried to get back on topic.

"Okay, so he was too juiced to pop his reserve." DiNozzo stated. I frowned.

"Maybe. Maybe not." I spoke up. Don't jumps give adrenaline rushes? Dad spoke next, making me feel the need to confirm that my dad could read minds.

"You pump adrenaline when you jump. Your main chute doesn't open, it would really kick into high gear." Agent Kate asked a question.

"Gibbs, if he had the reflexes to use it, why didn't he?" I thought about that for a bit. What if it was sabotaged, or switched with another person? Dad sighed.

"I don't know." He was puzzled with this case, we all were. He turned to Abby again. "What did you find from the shroud lines of his main chute?" Abby pointed to the lines.

"Fiber disintegration, but not from textile fatigue." We all looked at her, as if to tell her to explain. "It's fluorescing, as some sort of cleansing agent but that didn't cause this kind of damage. Edges look melted. I haven't tagged it yet, but it was definitely an acid that shredded the lines holding 300 pounds of a jumping Marine." We looked at her, concerned for future jumpers.

"How long to find the acid? And check out the rest of those chutes?" Dad asked, causing stress to flit across her expression.

"I'm flying solo, so at least a day." Abby spoke. Dad noticed the stress and frustration in her expression.

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