Yankee White Pt. 3

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Gibbs POV:

I was in the bathroom with Kate, trying to figure out what they were planning. 

"You said the locks were different." Kate nodded. 

"Yeah, uh.. 29 has digital ones. This plane has keys." she rushed out. My heart gave a squeeze when I figured it out. 

"Oh my! The Armory. They-they have keys to the Armory." I rushed out. Terror seized my mind for a bit after realizing that my little girl doesn't know. "They copied the movie. They vetted a reporter." Kate tried to cut me off. 

"Oh, but that would take years." I was in full protective mode. 

"So did setting up 9/11" I shot back. Kate put her earpiece back in as she realized that I was right. 

"There's a medical emergency in the press cabin." Flashes of Aubrey lying dead freaked me out. I shook my head, getting rid of the thoughts. She's fine. She'll be healthy. 

"It's a diversion. Cover the President." I ordered, while heading to the Armory. I ran to the Armory and turned the corner, only to see the scariest thing since Kelly and Shannon. My little baby girl had blood on her head, and seemed to have been knocked out. I tried to breathe in, but my breath got caught in my throat. I checked her pulse and made sure she was breathing. She was. I released my breath, relief flooding my veins. I quickly went to the Armory and saw that the door was unlocked and opened. I put two-and-two together. She tried to stop him, but was overpowered. Anger filled my veins as I grabbed a pistol and a magazine from the shelves. I looked back at my daughter on the ground before making a promise. "I'll be back sweetheart. Daddy just has to go take care of something." I turned back to the hallway and aimed the pistol at the man's back. "Freeze!" I yelled. "Get your hands in the air!" I continued, causing the man to stop. 

"Sure, someone yelled for a doctor." The man spoke and turned around. As he was turning around, he slowly brought his hands up and squeezed the trigger. Gunfire echoed and filled the hallway. I shot the man in the shoulder and chest, causing him to fall. His finger still squeezed the trigger, so I shot him in the head, getting him to stop. The screaming stopped, and I shared a look with Kate when she ran back out. I nodded to her before walking to her and giving her the gun I was using. She took it before turning to me in panic. 

"Where's Aubrey?" I paled and raced back to the Armory. She was still laying there unconscious. 

"I need a medic, please." A medic came and managed to wake her up. After checking up on her and doing a few tests, she was good to go. The medic cleared her, telling me she wouldn't have a concussion, just a pounding headache. I thanked her and put a bandage over Aubrey's cut. I kissed my daughter's bandage and carried her in my arms. She was here. She was safe. The plane continued on it's course until it finally reached it's destination.

I met with the head of the Secret Service, Agent Baer. We walked around and surveyed the damages. 

"I'm going to be doing paperwork for a week." he sighed, complaining about what was yet to come. I nodded with him. 

"So will I." I looked down at the child passed out in my arms, and sighed in relief. Agent Baer nodded to my daughter. 

"You have a brave one, Agent Gibbs. You should be proud." I nodded. 

"Yes I am." Seeing that I was done talking about my daughter, Agent Baer switched topics. 

"Agent Todd told me about her and Major Kerry when she tendered her resignation." I was interested. 

"Are you accepting?" Agent Baer nodded. 

"Of course. She broke the rules." I nodded along. 

"Well, thank you Special Agent Gibbs." I smiled. 

"No, sir. Thank you." We shook hands before I went off the plane. I found Kate walking away. I sped up to her, being mindful of Aubrey sleeping in my arms. "I heard you quit, Agent Todd." She gave me a sarcastic look. 

"Happy news gets around fast. Yes, I resigned. It was the right thing to do." I walked past her with a smirk on my face. 

"Yep. Pull that crap at NCIS, and I won't give you a chance to resign." I kissed Aubrey's head, waking her up. "Come on Aubrey. It's time to wake up. Our ride's almost here." I heard Kate yell something as the car pulled up. 

"Is that a job offer?" I didn't answer, but kissed the woman in the car's head before strapping Aubrey in.

We arrived home and I took Aubrey out, carrying her into the house. I walked up to the bedroom that I had redecorated for her and laid her in bed. I kissed her forehead before turning to leave. She rolled over and mumbled something, making me smile. 

"Goodnight daddy. I love you." I shut her light off and closed the door until there was only a sliver of light from the hallway left. 

"I love you too Aubrey. Goodnight sweetheart." I headed downstairs and turned on the lights for the basement. I left the door open, just in case, and quietly went to my bench to get my sander. I turned the TV on and started sanding another part out. The news was on, and I could hear Agent Fornell talking about the case. 

"...Federal agents working together in unison with the Secret Service were able to foil a terrorist attempt to assassinate the President while he was onboard Air Force One." My mind flashed to the body of the terrorist, and then to my baby girl crumpled on the floor. I listened back in. 

"The body of the terrorist is being delivered to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology where FBI forensic experts will endeavor to identify it." I continued to listen as the reporters got to shout their questions. 

"Was it Al-Qaeda?" a man shouted and cameras flashed. I sighed. NCIS is fine without the press. Another woman asked a follow-up question. 

"Yes, was there any Al-Qaeda connection?" Agent Fornell deflected all questions. 

"That's all we know at this time." I stopped sanding for a minute to look at the progress. I blew away the shavings and examined the piece. Memories buzzed in my head as I stayed alert for any movement from above. She was safe. I reminded myself. It was going to be a long night.

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