Seadog Pt.1

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Dad and I got off the elevator and into the Bullpen. I saw Agent Kate and DiNozzo already at their desks. Dad greeted them briefly, and I waved.

"Hey." He said while walking to his desk. I followed Dad to his desk before setting my school bag down. I took out the math problems that Dad assigned me and got to work. Agent Kate spoke.

"Morning. How was your weekend?" Agent Kate asked. I shrugged, while Dad deflected the question with another.

"What have we got?" Dad asked them. He turned to them expectantly, while DiNozzo and Agent Kate sighed.

"So much for small talk." DiNozzo muttered. DiNozzo looked at his computer, probably going through cases. He found what he was looking for and started listing them off.

"Car crash in Quantico last night. No fatalities." DiNozzo read. Dad looked bored and uninterested.

"Next." He stated, while taking a sip of his coffee.

DiNozzo tried the next one. "Petty officer caught shoplifting at Bloomingdale's." DiNozzo said, trying to make it interesting. I rolled my eyes. This was more interesting than my homework though.

"Is there anything worth over $50,000 at Bloomingdale's, DiNozzo?" Dad asked, already tired of the mundane cases. DiNozzo shrugged.

"I don't think so." He answered. Dad looked at him, like he proved his point.

"Then why would we handle it?" Dad asked. DiNozzo shrugged. "Next." Dad ordered. DiNozzo started to grin, so I knew that it would be bad.

"I heard a rumor about an ecstasy ring at Lejeune." DiNozzo said, excited. I grimaced. Yep, I knew he would say something gross. I wish I had covered my ears. I got back to my homework, finishing up the last ten problems.

"You heard a rumor?" Dad asked. Exactly, I thought. Why would you go chasing a rumor. That'll do you no good. I smiled as I finished the last problem. Agent Kate tried to explain.

"He's been searching for a case, any case, since I came in." Agent Kate spoke, tired of DiNozzo already. I thought about it. What would make DiNozzo so desperate for a case? The only thing I could come up with was a meeting, especially not a fun meeting. I turned to Dad a bit confused. DiNozzo spoke up though before I could ask my question.

"All agents not working active cases are to attend a sexual harassment lecture at the NCIS human resource training center at 0930 hours today." DiNozzo explained. I nodded my head. That was it. They do one every year, and both Dad and DiNozzo have been through the same lecture a fair amount of times. I didn't realize it was today. Dad groaned in irritation.

"I cannot sit through another one of those. I will shoot myself." Dad huffed out. I scowled and turned to Dad.

"You wouldn't." I stated, a bit concerned. He shook his head at me.

"I wouldn't." He promised me.

"Tell me you'll find a case before then. I can't sit alone outside that room for hours with nothing to do." I said, begging for a case to appear; a case that my dad would approve of and take. He nodded before Agent Kate spoke up. She sounded confused and surprised.

"You mean, they actually train you guys how to harass?" Kate spoke up, causing all of us to glare at her. She smirked before surrendering. "Hey, I'm kidding. Except for Tony." Agent Kate added. I smiled at her joke. DiNozzo grew flustered.

"For the last time, Kate, I was only trying to get my seat belt on." DiNozzo shot back. Agent Kate rolled her eyes.

"Right. Seat belt." She drawled sarcastically. As I was putting my stuff back in my school bag, Dad's phone rang. He answered it with his famous introduction.

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