Chapter Eleven- Mr. Unknown

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Chapter Eleven- Mr. Unknown

I instantly felt a tug on my body, and before I knew it, I was seeping into my physical form and shoving myself out of the casket. "Who the hell are you," I screamed. The figure in front of me laughed. He was a tall man with pale skin, a sharp jaw, a muscled body and deadly red eyes. His laugh sounded like chimes abrupt yet capturing. He wore a pair of black slacks and a fitted plaid shirt, quite casual looking. He was beautiful—too beautiful—to be something from this world.

"I thought you were going to disappoint me and not show up," he teased with a satisfied grin playing on his full lips.

"Yeah," I scoffed sarcastically, "and leave my body with some pervert? I think not." He smiled at me once again. The kind of smile that would have made my heart stop if it wasn't for the fact that he was the bad guy. I crossed my arms over my chest. I had just realized that all I had on to wear was a thin silk gown that flowed ever gracefully to the floor. It was a beautiful midnight gown, but I felt too exposed in front of his watchful eyes. I could sense him taking in every inch of me. Part of me was screaming for me to rip his eyes out while the other part wanted to run away in fear.

As if reading my mind, he said, "You're very beautiful Rayne." I couldn't help but to notice the deep English accent he had.

"What do you want with me?" I cursed. His smile only grew.

"I've already got what I want from you," he said and in a brisk moment he had moved me from where I stood by the casket to in front of a mirror on the wall. His front was pressed against my back. My hair lay wildly on my head due to the acceleration of his speed. He had moved me before I could even blink. My heart stopped as I looked into the mirror. I looked so similar, yet so different. My skin shined brightly, my facial expression was well masked, my eyes were an empty barrel of blood and my mouth hung low exposing fangs. I screamed in shock.

"What the hell did you do to me?" I yelled while throwing a fist at him. He backed away from me before the fist could actually constrict against his jaw.

"You're Eternal now. Well, as Eternal as possible. Seeing as you're half that and Werewolf, I don't know what to exactly call you," he said simply as if I should have been the happiest girl in the world. Anger possessed me and I charged him, surprising myself with how fast I moved. I was quick, but to my dismay, he was quicker. He lifted a finger at me and I instantly dropped to my knees, pressing my hands against my head. It felt as if pressure was building up inside my skull and my brain was about to explode.

"Stop doing that," I yelled between sobs. He let his hand drop and the pain disappeared.

"Rayne, if I wanted you dead you'd be dead already. Aren't you the slightest bit curious as to why I haven't killed you and instead have changed you into my kind," he said with a certain edge to his voice.

"Because you're an ass. I'm not helping you and the rouges. I don't even know why you are even working with them. From what I hear, Eternals despise Werewolves," I spat.

"Rayne you're a smart girl, but you need to find more accurate resources. Why would I want a delicate lady as you to do my dirty work? I just sent for you so we could talk, maybe become friends." I sarcastically laughed aloud.

"First off, flattery will get you nowhere. Secondly, I'm never ever going to consider you as a friend. You should have thought about that before you killed my best friend," I yelled, picking myself from the floor. He gave me a puzzled look.

"What are you talking about? My orders were to bring you to me and unharmed. Yes, I may have said if they couldn't convince you then to find leverage, but I strictly said everyone stays unharmed." I rolled my eyes at him. How was he doing it? I didn't know. He was a brilliant actor; it almost sounded as if he was telling the truth.

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