Chapter Six- Selfish

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Chapter Six- Selfish

Two years later

I got off the plane in an almost guilty fashion. I hated these moments when I knew I was going to have to lie to my Pack. What else could I do though? They wouldn't understand the truth even if I told them, but still, lying to them didn't even seem half right. I wanted to tell them as much of the truth as I could, but I was too deep into the lie already. I couldn't risk them hating me forever.

It was all because of me being the stupid Projector. Let's just say I hadn't fully accepted the role; I barely believed that the power existed even though I, myself, had the power. When I first found out that I was a Projector, Sloane had told me stories about the first male Werewolf who had happened to be a Projector. He could project his body to another place, and basically be at two different places at the same time. Since he had this wonderful power, he used it to protect different Packs when they were in trouble or need. When he finally died, he split his power in half, sending it to random descendants.

It was just my luck that I was one of those descendants. The power was even stronger in me because my blood was purely Alpha dominated. As for the second person who would consume the second half of his power, well, I didn't even know if they were born yet. So here I was playing Superman to any Pack that calls for help because rogues were attacking them. That was until my old Pack, the Ici Pack, called for my help.

I had never thought that I'd be facing them again, and I had lived two perfect years without them. I wasn't going to change that because the rogues were killing them off. Tough shit. No one ever helped me when they tortured me, so why would I help them? What can I say? I know that it's pretty selfish but Karma's a bitch; it was about time she showed them how much of a bitch she could be. Although I took some sort of pride in knowing that they needed me, I had lied to my pack in the process. I had told them that I was going to help fight along side  the Ici Pack in Alaska, and instead of just staying home and Projecting my spirit there, I needed to go there physically so that I could double my chances of defeating the rogues. Of course, they believed me. For all they knew, I had never lied to them a day in my life.

Sam was waiting for me with my motorcycle amongst the crowded airport cars. Our eyes locked and I wanted to scream with joy. It had been two weeks since I had last seen him, and I missed his tough face extremely. I squeezed in-between a few people and nearly tackled Sam to the floor as I jumped on him, wrapping my arms around his neck, legs around his waist and pressing my lips against his. To my dismay, he didn't return the gratitude. I looked up at him, uncertain.

"What's wrong?" I managed to choke out.

"We need to talk," he said fiercely while letting my body slide off of him. I looked at his face, trying to pick up on his feelings. Sam and I had been together within a year of me joining his pack. He had swept me off my feet and made me feel extremely special. I didn't want to give into to him though due to the age difference, but he proved to me that age was but a number. I thought that he was using me as a distraction, to forget that he had lost his mate in a rogue attack, but it was hard to deny his charm. He was the only person I knew who could ever love again after losing a mate. It was sad, yet pretty incredible and made me view him as a strong individual. We had been extremely inseparable since, and I knew that if he was angry with me, It had to be something big.

"What did I do?" I instantly said.

"How could you lie to me, Rayne? How could you lie to our Pack," he hissed through clenched teeth. My stomach sunk. Had he known that I never went to help the Ici Pack?


"There's no excuses. I know you and your old Pack have quite a few differences, but you could have told us." I looked down to my shaking hands. I hated the disappointment coming from his voice. He was the main person that I always wanted to impress.

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