Chapter Two- Rejection

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Chapter Two- Rejection

"I feel so terrible," Haven exclaimed. We were at the lunch sitting at our regular table which was excluded from everyone else. I had just finished telling Haven about what happened during third period. "Dammit, why do I have to be so god damn nosey?" I let out a low laugh.

"It's in your nature to be a snoop. Asking you to stop would be like asking God to stop performing miracles; physically impossible," I joked.

"Yeah, but their plan wouldn't have worked if I wouldn't have been nosey," she whined.

"Either way it goes, no matter if you snooped or not, I would still have fell on my ass," I assured her. "So, stop beating yourself up about it, okay?"

She nodded at me erratically.

"Okay but..." she trailed off. Her hazel eyes grew wide as she stared off behind me. I frowned at the fact that she didn't finish her sentence and spun around in my seat to see what had her so speechless. In an instant, I came face to face with Leo.

"We may have to spend an hour with each other after school, but you better not come near me," he yelled. His cool breath swept my face, making it tingle.

"Says the guy who's in my face right now," I retorted. His normally blue eyes went a coal black.

"You talk a lot of shit for someone who's going to be exiled from the pack as soon as I become Alpha," he growled in a hard tone. I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but my mouth seemed to go completely dry. Haven came around to stand in between Leo and me. She slightly shoved Leo back.

"Lay off of her Leo. You've already treated her like shit today," she snarled at him. He rolled his eyes at her. I looked around to see the entire cafeteria silenced and looking at us. They were hanging on to Leo's every word.

"Haven, you are my step cousin and I've grown to accept you," he announced, "but, relation or not, you can still be severely punished for speaking to me that way. Now, ask for forgiveness," he snarled back.

Boy was this whole becoming Alpha making him even more full of himself.

"Sorry cousin, but she's my friend and she's going through a lot. Can you just take it easy with all of the pranks?" Haven asked. Leo's eyes darted to mine, and his ocean blue colored eyes returned. For a second, his face softened, but then it went back to intense.

"Just make sure she stays out of my way." And, with that, he walked off. Seconds later the bell rang, dismissing us from lunch. I slowly and incoherently stood up. I didn't know why I felt so shaken up. It seemed like I was on the verge of tears. A part of me was certain that my family wouldn't let Leo exile me...but, there was still a sliver of fear in me that wasn't so sure.

"Are you alright?" Haven asked.

"He had no right to threaten me," I stuttered. "He may be chosen to become Alpha, but I still come from a strong Alpha lineage."

"He's letting this power go to his head," Haven agreed. "But, he is the best fighter in both his wolf and human form. He was the obvious choice for Alpha."

"I got to go to class. See you at P.E." Haven and I departed from each other, and I went off to my Calculus class feeling dazed and confused. P.E. rolled around faster than I thought, and it was hell. Since today was Friday, we had to do our usual three mile run on the track, which was nothing but a warm-up to a pack of Werewolves. The cool Alaskan breeze kissed my cheeks and Haven and I held on to each other so neither one of us would fall on the icy ivy green grass leading to the track.

Rejection is my Last Name (Currently being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now