Must Read

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Hello, old and new readers!

So, book one IS COMPLETED!! Most of this book has been taken down for editing purposes but will be updated VERY frequently.

This is due to the fact that I have been invited to write on Radish and once this version is polished I am going to write the sequel. The sequel will be ONLY visible on Radish.

As some of you know, I wrote this book years ago when Rejection novels were at its peak. I wanted to prove that even though most Rejection books had the same concept, a writer could still make the story original.

So yeah the beginning of this story will be hella cliche. But, after like chapter 6, you're probably gonna be like "wtf!?" throughout this book because I've worked very hard to make the plot unique. It was that damn horrendous grammar that needed to be delivered from hell.

Now that I have grown as a writer, I have the knowledge to correct those cringy-ass mistakes. ALSO, I will be adding more information to this book and possibly taking some out. So those of you who've read this, feel free to touch up on your knowledge.

In the meantime stay tuned, and if you are looking for new reads, why not give my other werewolf story Ravanger a try *petty self-advertisement ;)*? It's gotten great reviews so far!

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are all products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to an actual event, place, or people, living or dead, is merely coincidental.

© [Fantasy_girl21] [2016]


Rejection is my Last Name (Currently being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now