Chapter Four- The Chester Pack

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Chapter 4- The Chester Pack

I stood there gawking at Dean. He was trying to explain to me about his Pack and how he would take me to them to figure out what to do with Haven and I. We had already went through the introductions, and as my teenage hormones started to set in, I couldn't take my eyes off of the muscles that were perplexed and flexed under his arms as he held Haven who was slowly stirring out of her slumber.

"Rayne? Did you hear me?" he asked me with a confused expression on his face. I looked away shyly as my obliviousness to what he was saying sunk in.

"Sorry," I began. "I'm kind of exhausted and shaken up." He nodded his head understandably. Haven stirred awake in his arms, and immediately jumped out of them and stood by me, clinging to my aching shoulder.

Friend or foe? Her panicked thoughts hit me hard.

He's the Alpha of the Chester Pack, or so he says.

"Can you two stop having your side conversations?" he asked as if he could hear our telepathic conversation. "This is important unless you want me to leave you here for the rogues to come back and finish you?" he hissed.

"We were managing fairly well," Haven barked back, obviously offended.

"Says the girl who's neck got cracked. You guys were handling yourselves as well as a Human three-year-old would in the presence of a panther," he said sarcastically. I let out a low obnoxious growl while pushing him out the way, walking past him with Haven on my tail. "Where are you two going?"

"We're going to go and be Human three-year-olds on our own. It's obvious that you don't want to help us out," I yelled out. Dean ran to me, grabbing me by my arm gently. His blue eyes were captivating and sincere and his expression showed compassion.

"I'm sorry," he began. "These past days have been crucial for me and my Pack. If you would just follow me to my Pack home, I'll explain everything," he assured. Haven looked at me skeptically as if I was the main wolf in charge of the operation; I was in charge. I nodded at her.

"We have to get our bags," I explained. Haven stiffened by my side. "What is it?" I asked, clearly oblivious.

"Well when I was running with the luggage, one of the rogues was attacking me, and I had to toss the luggage in order to fight back. They fell into a stream and flowed off. Sorry."

"You had to do what you had to do," I huffed. "It's fine."

Dean began to lead the way, and I was mentally pleased that we were so close to the Pack's home. On the walk there, I had learned that the Chester pack was the exact pack that my dad had mentioned to me. It was obvious once I took witness of the ancient barriers that surrounded the mansion known as their home. When the mansion came to view, Haven and I both openly eyed it in fascination.

There were two towers at the ends of the long, wide building that reached to a deathly point. The roof was a coated orange brick color that complimented the manila coat of the outside of the home. Every window that the home possessed were French that were slightly tinted. Green and frivolous Ivy roots grew along of the sides of the house, adding an Italian theme to it. There was a normal whitewashed picket fence around the mansion that would make one think a normal family lived there. A cobblestone path led up to the massive porch.

"Follow me," Dean said as he began to trail up the stairs leading to the front double doors. With a rough tug on the door handle, the door jolted open. "Welcome to my humble abode," he said sarcastically as he moved out of the way and let us enter. The smell of melted cheese filled our lungs, as did the smell of sweet popcorn. When we first entered the home we were faced with what seemed to be a never-ending hallway. It was rather plain and only possessed a few statues. Dean grabbed my hand making me turn a quick left. I nearly stumbled to the floor behind him but forced myself to regain my composure when I came into a room full of men and one young girl around my age.

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