Chapter Three- Running Away

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Chapter Three- Running Away

He's rejected us, my wolf raged over and over again in my head.

"Don't you think I know that?" I cried aloud.

It's all your fault.

Why, because I'm not pretty, popular or even strong enough to be a Luna?


My wolf's negative thoughts filled my head. How could she just blame all of this on me? She was the one that didn't want to appear until I was fifteen years old. It made me want to die knowing that even my own wolf hated me, so I restricted her from thinking to me again. By now, I was lying in my own puddle of tears and I slowly got up to go upstairs and take a shower, so I could be rid of the juice sticking uncomfortably to my body.

The day you find your mate was supposed to be perfect. The whole world was supposed to disappear and there would be nothing but you and your mate; well, that's at least what my mother used to tell me before she left.

"Mommy, how did you know that daddy was supposed to be yours forever?" a five-year-old me asked my mother. We had been vacationing in the mountains, and I was attempting to brush my mother's perfect nestled chestnut hair.

"I just knew sweetie. The way that daddy looked at me, the way his touch felt against my skin; I just instantly knew." She grabbed the brush from my grasped and sat me down on a sturdy rock. "My turn to brush your hair," she said softly. I smiled up at her perfect face. She had inviting Sapphire eyes and a smile always seemed to be playing on her thin lips. Her skin shone and illuminated a golden glow. She was my definition of perfection.

"Will I know my mate when I see him?" I asked.

"Of course, you will sweetie. He'll be the luckiest man in the world."

"What if he rejects me?" I asked while protruding my bottom lip in a pout. I really wasn't familiar with what rejection meant, but I had heard the bigger kids talking about it."Starr is prettier than me, I know her mate would never reject her." My mother took my chin into her hands.

"You are beautiful Rayne—inside and out—and if your mate doesn't see that when the time comes, then he doesn't deserve you. Starr isn't anymore prettier than you are. The only difference between the two of you is that she is a people's person. You, well, you strive the best when you're in charge and on your own," she explained with a hint of concern on her face.


"No, you'll only get rejected if you think you're going to get rejected." With that, she got up from the rock and left me to think.

Thinking back to my mother's words, I couldn't help but think that maybe she was a bit of a lunatic. Even then, I knew that I wasn't pretty like the other girls. I was just too...plain. I walked into the restroom like a zombie. After turning on the shower to its highest temperature, I walked over to the mirror; looking at my reflection.

My normally light brown eyes were rimmed red and sad. My nose was red and puffy and the red punch had tainted my skin. I ripped off my clothes angrily before throwing them into a pile in the corner. My mood had swiftly changed from sad to downright infuriation. My own father is the reason why Leo was even getting the title as Alpha, and he couldn't even accept me as his mate? That was the least he could do.

I yanked my horrid thick glass from my eyes and crushed them in my hands. I regretted it soon after when I took a step into the shower and slipped, causing the shower curtain to encircle my body. I crashed inside the shower with a loud thud. The shower knob dug into my back, taking a piece of my skin with it. The steaming hot water scorched my skin, as did the cut in my back. My blood slowly sank down the drain, washing away all of my worries. The water sunk deep down into my scalp in an almost massaging way. A sob escaped my partially opened lips, and I had no choice but to curl up into a ball and let the tears flow out of me.

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