Chapter Fourteen-Lions

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Hey guys so here is chapter Fourteen! I'm sorry for the long wait I have been grounded more or less Lol. I also had a mild case of writer's block so forgive me if this isn't one of my best chapters but there is steamy action lol. I hope you all enjoy!!






Chapter Fourteen- Lions

"Does everyone have a partner?" I asked. Everyone was standing outside of the Pack house all ready to begin today's training session.

"Why do I have to be partnered with him?" Bianca asked while pointing to Chad and making a face, her top lip curled so high in disgust that it actually looked as if someone had painted the expression on. I rolled my eyes at her, bringing my hand to my forehead and squeezing my eyes shut, letting out an annoyed sigh.

"Because no one else wants to put up with you," I said as if it was common sense. "Like really, if anything you should be thanking him for being a decent enough guy to work with you." She scoffed at me and began to tuck her rowdy red hair into a scrunchy.

"I don't even see why you of all people are even the one training us? You're constantly getting your ass handed to you by rogue's." My cheeks turned red at her comment, mostly because it was true, but who was she to draw even more attention to it? This went without saying, but, I really hated Bianca.

"Fine, I'll give you guys a test run of how this is supposed to play out," I began while using a sarcastic chipper tone. "Any volunteers? Leo great," I said before he could fully answer. He gave me a shocked look, but slowly walked towards me.

"Where are you going with this," he asked me lowly while putting off a smile to the others, the cautiousness clear in his tone though. I smirked and ignored him.

"The goal," I said while staring pointedly at Bianca, "is to decapitate your opponent." Leo gave me another shocked look, this time more petrified than surprised as he slowly backed away from me. I gripped his arm, ignoring the sensational shock waves that flowed through my fingertips, and pulled him towards me. "Don't worry, we're not killing each other today," I added, "we are just going to twist the neck." Leo let out a sigh of relief as his confidence returned.

"Ready to die?" He asked me with a grim smirk on his face. I scoffed at him.

"As if," was my vague reply. I positioned myself lengths away from Leo, preparing to fight. He took off his shirt and I literally had to force my gaze to stay on his face and not to trail down his perfectly muscled body and to the light trail of dark brown hair streaming from his naval and disappearing past the waistband of his sweatpants. "Call it out," I told Dean while holding my fist out in front of me in a defensive stance.

"Now I want a nice clean battle," Dean recited. "Leo, no hair pulling and Rayne, no kicking anyone in their family jewels." I groaned in protest while everyone else stifled their laughter. "To the death."

"To the death!" I shouted as I did a round off flip towards Leo, only to kick him in the shoulder in my quest to land my feet on the ground. He stumbled back slightly and then swung into action, swiping his fist through the air trying to get a shot at me. "What's wrong pretty boy," I teased, "lost your mojo?" I gracefully slid to the right as his fist punched through the air of where my head should have been.

"I don't know, let's see," he said as he caught a hold to my wrist and swung my arm behind my back, making his front press up against my back, his breath fanning hard against my neck. "I could get used to this position," he snickered in my ear. I let out a disgusted grunt and brought my foot down on his toe. He loosened his grip on me and I used that ounce of freedom to elbow him in the stomach. He let out a pained grunt as I slipped my fingers through his hair, gripping it tightly and tugging back on it.

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