Chapter Eight- Karma

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Chapter Eight- Karma

Leo's P.O.V

"We need to talk," Bianca told me as I placed my hands at the back of my head, reclining in the airplanes seat. I was agitated, not with her, but with my Pack's entire situation. I had always thought that even though for a rather small pack, we were tough and mighty. It didn't sit too well with me that we had to retreat from the rogue attacks to the next nearby Pack, who happened to be in Montana.

Mon freaking tana. Who would even want to live in a place like that? Really, what did it have on Alaska? I was born and raised in the cold climate. I grew up swimming in the icy river banks, and now I was going to be staying in mountains for God knows how long! Not to mention under the protection of the Projector—I didn't even know who he was, but I knew that he was probably going to be some power driven egomaniac.

"About?" I asked, finally answering Bianca, my girlfriend of six months.

"About stuff," she whined. I mentally rolled my eyes at her. She could be sweet and submissive at times, yet annoying and stubborn at other times.

"Well go on," I said.

"Meet me in the bathroom."

"I'm too comfortable to get up. Besides, why do we have to go into a congested bathroom to talk?" I asked irritably. She let out a heavy sigh, leaning in closer to me.

"Because I can't do what I want to do to you out in the public," she whispered seductively. I nearly choked on my spit, not because she had turned me on or anything, but because of her lies. Just a month ago we were doing community work at an elementary school and she nearly tried dry humping me on the children slides.

"I'm good," I said, trying to hold back my laughter. I wasn't in the mood to fool around when my pack was getting taken from my right from under my nose. I had only been Alpha for a year, and it seemed as if I couldn't catch a break. She fell back into her seat, scowling at my sudden rejection. I just wasn't feeling her or our relationship anymore. It was like there was an on and off switch, and she was constantly turning me off. The sight of her made my wolf internally puke. "We're about to land," I told her in an attempt to make her feel better. Obviously it did, because she smiled at me and let her hands run absently through my hair.

When we got off the plane, were greeted by a pretty, earthy looking girl with large chocolate eyes and needle straight, black hair. She was behind the driver's seat of a large van and somehow, she made all of us fit. She said her name was Viktoria and she was one of the members of the Chester Pack. I really didn't give a damn. For one, I didn't want to be here, and secondly, I was a proud Alpha, I could never adjust to having to answer to someone else.

That's how the Werewolf community worked; When you were on another Alpha's territory, you had to answer to them—whether you are or not an Alpha yourself. The whole car ride was a blur. I became so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't realized that the van had come to a stop in front a large yet inviting house. A few other people were standing in front of the gate, and I got out of the van to greet them.

"I'm Leo, Alpha of the Ici Pack," I said while shaking hands with a blonde man who looked all too familiar.

"I know who you are," he said bitterly. "I'm Sam." I let my hand fall to my sides. What the hell was his problem? Hopefully he wasn't a part of their greeting committee because he sucked at it. Next, a blonde haired girl came and engulfed me in a hug. I didn't need to see her face to know who she was. Her scent said enough. I grabbed her by her shoulders tightly.

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