Chapter Five- The Projector

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Hey Guys!! So, here's chapter five!!! This is also the last chapter of what I like to call "Young Rayne" lol. the next chapter I post, two years have gone by!!! So prepare for funny, fun and interesting stuff!! <3





Chapter Five- The Projector

I settled on wearing a pair of dark denim jeans and a nice red blouse that formed a V-shape at my neckline. It was a step up from what I usually wear because I was in a better mood, not by much, though. I felt myself getting more nervous as the minutes passed by. I was already looked at with disgust by my own pack; it was only a matter a time before this pack started to see me as the same. I hadn't heard anything from Haven as the hours had passed, and when a soft knock sounded at my door, I was pleased to know that it was her. I scrunched my nose up taking in the scent that lingered on her skin. It wasn't her natural Lilac scent; this was more masculine like cologne on top of pine cones. The blush that crept onto her cheeks told me that it was indeed her mates scent, and they had already taken the first step in mating.

"Have fun?" I asked while placing my hands on my hips. She let out a little giggle and bounced on top of my fluffy bed. The yellow sundress she now had on flared from her legs, making her look all the more beautiful.

"I really love him, Rayne," she said as if she was on cloud nine. I couldn't help the snort that came from me.

"Of course, you love him. After all, you guys were literally born to love each other." She sat up on my bed, flashing me a brilliant smile. Her hazel eyes were captured by my room lights. Her golden wavy hair was combed perfectly and put in a bun, exposing her delicate neck which possessed passion marks from her mate. "I see you're proud," I said while pointing to her neck. Of course, she was proud. If I had a mate, and he put love marks all over my body, I would show the world. I clenched my hands into a fist when I realized that I did have a mate, he just didn't want anything to do with me.

"Zeke is everything I could have wanted in a mate. He's smart, charming, funny and extremely sexy," she added with a wink. "This is the happiest I've ever been and I can't help but think that if it wasn't for you wanting to leave, I would have never met him." She got up from my bed post and wrapped her arms around me. "Thank you so much, Rayne. I'm glad you let me come with you." For a moment I was baffled. I didn't know if she was thanking me for being a stubborn ass and wanting to get the hell away from The Ici Pack, or for being an ugly pig of a loser and getting rejected and then wanting to leave. Instead of bringing it up, I just smiled at her and motioned her towards the door.

"We should probably go to dinner, the others will be waiting," I said in a low voice. I couldn't explain what I was feeling, but I was becoming more depressed with Haven's happiness. Selfish? Absolutely. But, how could I be happy when everything was falling into place for her and my own life was miserable. I hated myself for not being able to giggle and gush over Zeke with her, but it was too soon.

"My mate is waiting for me," she said obviously liking how the word mate flowed from her porcelain lips.

This is going to get old real fast, I couldn't help to think.

"Look who decided to show up," Dean joked as Haven and I walked into the elegant dining room. Everyone was sitting at a long red wooden table with mounds of food piled on it. There were a few other people sitting at the table that I hadn't been introduced. After what seemed like hours of introductions, I finally took a seat by Dean and began to eat. The main entree was Spaghetti and meatballs with other types of pasta, salads, soups and breadsticks. Closer to the end of dinner, Mr. Tyler stood up to propose a toast. Everyone gave him their full attention. It was clear that Dean and him where the higher authority.

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