Chapter One- My Hero

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Chapter 1- My Hero

"Rayne, wait up!" my best friend, Haven Aspen, called after me. I turned around to see her in a full out sprint to catch up with me. Her thick golden locks flew wildly on her head, her deep hazel eyes looked troubled, her thin rosy cheeks looked flushed of color and her thin lips lay low in a pout. I folded my stocky arms over my wide chest.

"What is it?" I hissed as she approached me. She knew that I had a social phobia, and her dramatic state was sure to bring attention to me. Haven bent down putting her hands on her knees to catch a breath while breathing rapidly. Other students at Willow High School walked passed us, giving us repulsive looks. I grabbed Haven by the hem of her shirt and pulled her to my locker. She was drawing a crowd, and I hated when attention fell upon me. I was already the laughing face of the school, and I didn't want to go around advertising my presence.

Hey, look who I am, Rayne Fabrice. Please torture me some more. Help yourself. I love it when you all humiliate me. I rolled my eyes at the mediocre thought.

"You may want to know the WereDevils next practical joke," she said to me as she finally caught her breath. WereDevils were a group of people who sought out to make sure my life was hell. Every day, they would make it their business to publicly play at least one practical joke on me and humiliate me in front of the entire school. My bullying started when I was ten years old. While all of the other kids my age was having their first shift, I didn't shift for the first time until I was fifteen—just last year. In a Werewolf community where the tougher you are, the more respect you got, this was a big deal.

Never in Werewolf history had someone not shifted around the age ten. What made matters even worse was that I was the daughter of an Alpha, and my chances of ever being Alpha myself diminished tremendously. After that, to everyone I was weak. While they were training and hunting at age twelve and thirteen, I was forced to remain secluded. My mother wouldn't let me train because she said I would hurt myself, and my father was so ashamed of me that he could barely look me in my face anymore. To top it all off, my older sister, Starr Fabrice was a part of the group of people who bullied me. Yes, my own blood.

"What is it this time?" I huffed out.

"I overheard Leo telling Starr that he had snuck into school last night and loosened the screws to your seat in your third class so that it would look like you broke the desk by sitting in it," she admitted. As usual, at the mention of Leo's name, I became both irritated and intrigued. I hated myself for being interested in him, but his dedication to humiliate me day after day never seized to amaze me. It was almost as if he were obsessed with me. He was always the one who navigated the pranks. Surely it was unhealthy of him to have me on his brain every waking minute.

There was a time when I fell for societies rules. I believed when I was younger that if a boy repeatedly teased you, then he liked you. By age six I had developed a crush on Leo that took over five years of my life. That was until the teasing went from harmless fun to dangerous games. Games that ended up giving major anxiety attacks and meltdowns. And, if that was enough, he pretty much squashed the theory of him liking me when he started dating my sister.

I'm sure if he was to take the stick stuck up his ass out, he'd be an alright guy, but more than likely, he would always be the same arrogant ass. Granted, being him had perks to it. For one, he was a shoe-in to be the Alpha of my pack—The Ici Pack—when my father was ready to retire. Oddly enough, the title was passed down to him by my father who wanted a guy to be the new Alpha instead of a girl like my sister or me. Starr was angry with my parents at first, but she finally put her frustration aside. She would be named the Alpha's Luna if Leo never found his mate by his twentieth birthday. That's all she ever really wanted anyway.

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