Chapter Seven- Complications

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Chapter Seven- Complications

Blah, blah, blah! That's all I heard as my pack began to talk about me as if I wasn't still in the same room. Surprisingly though, I didn't care. I was just stabbed in the heart for a reason I had no idea about. All I knew was that somehow, it all had to do with Leo; that bastard. Being stabbed in the heart wasn't nearly as painful as his rejection, and no matter how hard I tried to be all 'Leo who?' he just wouldn't go away. I sighed heavily, annoyed with my own thoughts.

I was covered in my own blood, and all I wanted to do was puke everywhere! I had taken everything for granted. I never acknowledged the fact that my projected body was always the one to get harmed, and not my actual body. But, the pain I had experienced was very much real. It had taken me by surprise, and if this would have been an actual fight, the pain alone would have been enough to kill me. I huffed heavily again, trying to get Sam's attention. It seemed like almost as soon as he realized that I was okay, he left.

Finally, after long, agonizing minutes of tearing him limb from limb with my eyes, he finally walked up to me, picking me up to carry me bridal style. "Shower," was all I managed to say as he climbed up the wooden stairs. We made it into my bathroom in no time, and Sam turned on the shower, stripping me of my clothes. My legs finally began to work again as I stood up in front of the shower. Sam gave me a firm kiss and began to walk towards the door.

"Sammie," I began, "I don't want to be alone." Nodding his head, he accepted the invitation, taking off his clothes as he just did mine. I let myself in the shower, followed by him. I turned to face him, letting the steamed water caress my back in a massaging way. Sam grabbed a cloth, lathered it up with soap and began to wash my front body, making sure he gets every nook in cranny. The water turned a copper brown from my blood and washed down the drain. For a moment, I just stood there, letting him take care of me.

The comfortable silence was great, and the view of his every muscle was even greater, but I didn't ask him to join me for that. I wanted to talk to him, alone. "They're really coming?" I asked again. I didn't want to believe that in just mere hours, my old pack would be here. I had made a promise to them and to myself that we would never have to see each other again, and now it was ruined. Figures that when I want Karma to strike out against them, in return, she strikes out at me. This was my punishment for not going and protecting them. Only, my punishment would be worse because I'm the Projector.

"I know you don't want them to Rayne drop, but the elders have already decided it for us," he spoke softly. I let out a heavy sigh in return of his answer, snatching the cloth from him and rubbing it against his torso.

"I'm not strong enough to handle this," I admitted. "Seeing those people again... I just can't."

"You can and you will. Don't forget that you have me now, you have our pack. You are special to all of us and we love you. We're not going to let them hurt you," his words hit me in a comforting way. He had always known what to say despite everything.

"I just don't want to be here when they come. I just want to go blow off some steam."

"That's perfectly fine. Just promise me that you won't do any more Projecting," he stated. I rolled my eyes. How could I blow off some steam and not project? After all, fighting rogues were my way of relaxing; knowing that I had rid the world of one less evil. Sam grabbed the shampoo and gathered it into his palms before massaging my scalp with it. I saw the crimson blood flow from my hair.


"No buts'. I don't want you doing that until we realize why your physical body got hurt."

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