Chapter Nine- Game Gone Wrong

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Chapter Nine- Game Gone Wrong

I wanted to die after my previous conversation with Sloane. After me telling her about Leo's powers and everything, she had the nerve to tell me not do anything vast; especially not accept his rejection. I couldn't help but argue with her, but I knew it was a lost cause. Sloane was one of the Elders of our Pack's community, and if she thought something was a bad idea, it usually was.

Still, I didn't want my wolf to get any closer to Leo's wolf than what she already had. She was basically having a fiesta and doing the limbo inside of me. How low can you go? Apparently low since she was willing to forgive Leo for everything he had done. It was head aching to have one part of me consumed by so much joy, while the other part just wanted to die. I gave Sloane the benefit of the doubt though because she seemed so sure of herself. She kept on saying that it seemed as if she was missing something—how he was connected to the rogue who wanted to get the message to him. That was all the more reason why I hated him. I had got hurt in the process of the rogue's message getting across, and I didn't know why; but, I sure as hell was going to find out.

Kill me now.

Kill me now.

Kill me now.

Oh, and did I mention kill me now? That's all I managed to think as I drove home. It had taken me a shit load of courage to even accept Leo's rejection the first "fake time", even if I wanted to do it again, neither mine nor his wolf would allow me to do it. I parked my Harley off to the side of the house and decided to jump through my window rather than face the mob that was sure to be in the living room waiting for me. I was tired and I had done enough listening and explaining for the day. I just wanted to get in bed and dream away my problems.

I tossed my messenger bag on the bed and almost screamed when I heard someone groan. I rushed over to the light switch, flipping it up. I was not prepared for what I saw, and I secretly pinched myself to see if it was just a dream. Leo sat perched on my bed. His eyes were red-rimmed and his face and nose were red and blotchy. He wore an expression that I had never seen on his face in all of our encounters. He seemed sad, pained even.

"Rayne," he said so softly that it was hard for me to even fully understand that he had called my name. I stood as far away from him as I possibly could. For some reason, this Leo was more frightening than the asshole Leo I've always known.

"Leo, what are you doing in my room," I said trying to sound fierce, but my voice just came out hoarse instead. It pained my wolf to see her Alpha mate in such a vulnerable form, and I wasn't going to lie, it pained me as well. Why were we created like this? To have feelings for someone we didn't even know in most cases? It was sickening.

"I'm sorry," he said, letting out a cry. "I shouldn't have treated you like that. You were my mate, and I let you down." My lungs began to squeeze tight. I couldn't believe that not only was he crying in front of me, but he was apologizing. I thought that it would take more than a few hours alone with me for him to utter those words.

I kept quiet as I tried to breathe. I had unconsciously begun to cling to my bedroom door in hopes of putting as much space between Leo and I as possible. My wolf called out to me, yelling for me to comfort him. I closed my eyes tight, forcing her thoughts to the back of my mind. I hated to admit it, but I didn't trust myself around Leo. All it took was for him to say one thing and my wolf's emotions could outweigh my own.

I needed to get out this room.

"I hurt you so much," Leo continued, pellets of tears cascading down his pale cheeks.

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