Chapter Ten- Eternal

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Chapter Ten- Eternal

"Get your filthy hands off of me," I managed to choke out, trying to gain control of the situation even though it was physically impossible seeing as I was out numbered. They all had amused expressions on their faces as if me trying to break free of the man's grasp was the funniest thing in the world.

"Told you she was a tough one," the man choking me spat. I lifted my legs to kick at him, but he instantly maneuvered himself out of the way. "It would be in your best interest if you just cooperate," he laughed at me.

"Let me go or I will--"

"Show her," the man interrupted as another man appeared out of the shadows, holding a very aggressive Viktoria.

My eyes widened at the site of her. Even though she was thrashing around and trying to appear tough, I could tell she was scared. This situation probably reminded her of when she was attacked by rogue's before. "Let her go," I yelped.

"Nope, here's how this is going to go," the man said, slowly loosening his grip on me, "you'll come with us voluntarily, or your little friend here will be killed." My eyes flashed over to Viktoria, who had tears coursing down her cheeks. The guy who was holding her wasn't being as gentle as the one holding me, and blood was flowing down her throat.

Help, I called, not knowing who it went to. I was desperate for help, and this werewolf was stronger than anyone I had ever encountered.

"I don't advise you to do that. We have the area surrounded, and it would not be in your friends best interest if they even think about ruining my plans." I gritted my teeth together. It was obvious that they weren't going to let me go, but Viktoria was innocent.

"Fine, I'll do as you ask. Just let her go," I demanded. The man tilted his head to the side in thought.

"No, she's our insurance," he began while finally letting me go. "One false move and she's dead."

"That wasn't the deal, guys," the girl rogue replied, her chocolate eyes narrowing at them. "She's agreeing to go with us voluntarily. Grab her and leave the other girl."

"What if she tries something once we let the girl go?" The guy holding me snapped. "We can't take that chance."

"I won't try anything," I stammered. "I swear."

"Don't listen to them Rayne. Get out of here," Viktoria shouted. I shook my head at her.

"I'm not going to leave you here with these monsters." That statement gained a few laughs from the rouge.

"You're the Projector. You have to survive this and you're needed more than I am."

"On second thought," the man said, interrupting Viki, "her voice is annoying me. Finish her." Before my brain could tell my legs to move, it was too late. The man holding Viki barred his teeth into her throat, revealing large canines. I muffled out a scream as blood shot from her neck and engulfed the floor. I knew she wouldn't recover. The chunk of skin removed had let too much blood escape her veins and it would have been close to impossible to re-heal them all.

I felt a pull on my body, and before I knew it, I had projected and stood beside my physical body. We both looked at each other confusingly before my physical body fell to the floor. I had never mastered how to operate both bodies at once, and now I was really screwed. "It worked," the girl rogue said as she walked up to the man who was once choking me.

"Good now grab her body," he stated. My instincts kicked in, and ran to my body, guarding it. The girl, who had chocolate hair and bright red lips, snarled at me and aimed her fist towards my face. I dodged her blow instead, sending my foot against her torso. She flew back in an elegant way, but instead of landing on her ass, it seemed as if she slowed herself down to land on her feet.

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