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It was a silent day for Arlo. Usually any time his day slowed down he would find himself talking to Rei or at least thinking of the greenette. And yeah, he was thinking about him, he had a crush on him for Pete's sake. Yet he still couldn't bring himself to text the other. Part of him was worried that Rei was mad at him. Arlo had gone through his stuff and found something that he was clearly not meant to find. But what was worse was feeling like he'd upset him, like he had lost Rei's trust and that truly broke him.

He sighed, sitting in the library. For a while he had played that penguin game but that only served to upset him even more. At one point he tried to text Remi to see what she was up to be she had left him on read. Which furthered his assumption that Rei was upset with him. Arlo leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. He once had imagined himself and Rei owning a house together, maybe once they were both out of college. Maybe they'd get a puppy, or they'd bring Abel over there with them. Of course, those dreams had been rudely shattered when Rei's slammed that door shut. Effectively symbolizing himself cutting Arlo out of his life. 

Arlo felt the table move and opened his eyes to find Seraphina sitting across from him. "What do you want?" He wasn't in the mood to talk with Sera, especially if she was going to bring up anything about his little "crush." However, it seemed fate was on Sera's side as she asked, "what's up your butt? Get in a fight with the greeny?" How Sera knew that, Arlo didn't know. There was a chance that Remi had told her, but for one, they didn't get in a fight. And two, Remi hadn't seen or heard anything that had happened. 

"That's none of your business Seraphina. By the way, do you know why Remi's ignoring my text?" Seraphina gave him a deadpan looked, "well if you got in a fight with her brother I'm not shocked she's ignoring you." Arlo gritted his teeth barely holding back a yell, "we didn't get in fight. We're just..." Arlo trailed off not knowing how to finish his sentence. The purple haired girl frowned, "well if you're not fighting then what's the problem?"Arlo squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. "Something happened, and you're trying to avoid talking about it. Arlo nothing good comes from ignoring each other."

"I know that!"

Arlo stiffened as the library glared toward him and mumbled an apology. "It's just..." he lowered his voice and shook his head once more. "It's not the right time Seraphina." He didn't say anymore before he got up from his chair and left the library.

Remi hummed as her eyes scanned over the baby blue paper. "You're really head over heels for him huh?" Rei huffed, not finding her comment to be helping at all. "I was really confused when he left in such a hurry, I thought maybe you two had kissed or something."


She looked up meeting her brothers gaze, "sorry. This was just so unexpected." Rei hummed blowing a strand of hair out of his eyes. "But I don't think it's bad," Remi continued. "You were unsure if Arlo returned your feelings or not. So instead of bottling them up you wrote them down on a piece of paper." She handed the paper back to Rei who almost glared at it when he took it back. "Pretty sure that still counts as bottling it up." Remi sighed before adjusting where she sat on the bed. "You two need to talk it out."




"Ignoring him isn't going to work Rei." Her brother sighed, "I'm not trying to ignore him, but I don't exactly think he wants to talk to me right now." Remi scoffed, her hands moving as she talked, "Rei you know how Arlo is. If he had a problem with what you wrote on that paper he would've told you. But he's confused, and when he's confused o even mildly conflicted he shuts himself away. You know this." Rei kept his eyes down causing Remi to sigh. "You need to talk to him. Explain why you wrote it, and if he just wants to be friends then that's okay. You said if he didn't return your feelings you'd be alright as long as the two of you stayed friends." 

"Aren't I the older sibling, why are you lecturing me?" Remi smiled seeing just the hint of a smirk on her brother's face. "Talk to him...please." She leaned over and gave him a hug before leaving the bedroom. Rei's face fell when he looked back down at the paper. The baby blue page crinkled slightly as his grip tightened threatening to tear if any more force was added. 

Rei sighed, releasing the paper from his grip, allowing it to fall down to the bed. His golden eyes moved to his window where the sun was just beginning to set. He wasn't ready to talk to Arlo just yet, he wasn't ready to solve his own problems standing right in front of him, but for now at least he could go help some others. 

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