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Rei let out a sigh as his last class of the day ended. One thing that college had was a lack of crowded hallways and it was days like these that Rei really appreciated that. He was studying computer science just because he thought it was cool. He didn't really have an interest in the future that was related to that but his parents insisted he attend college so that's what he went with. In reality, he still wasn't sure where he wanted to go with his life, and it had been three years since he graduated. Rei was an adult now and he was still figuring out how to manage his life. 

Making his way to the student parking lot he found his car. It wasn't much, just a small silver car that he'd been given for a graduation gift. Small or not, Rei still loved the car. Didn't mean his peers did though. "What's up Rei?" Bradley, a male in his grade with blonde hair and pink ends always made fun of his little mobile. Rei knew that Bradley was always trying to get under his skin. It was made known when he enrolled at the school that he didn't agree with the hierarchy and had his own view on things, so he was quick to be hated by some. "Nothing much, getting ready to head home." Rei answered as he tossed his bags in the back seat. 

He went to open the driver side door but Bradley pushed his hand against it. "Why don't you just live in campus?" Bradley smirked. "I can't afford room and board, so I just drive home everyday." Rei answered with a small sigh. "Aw "poor" Rei." Rei was far from poor. His family was quite wealthy, but they did have two children and they weren't rich so they couldn't afford things like dorms, especially when the college wasn't that far away. "I bet you have to pay a lot for gas huh?" Bradley's tone was full of mockery and he continued to press at Rei. A frown settled on his face and he clicked his tongue. "Man you're no fun." Bradley huffed before pushing off of Reis car and walking towards his own. 

Rei huffed with a small "finally" before he opened his door and sat in his car. A honk from a few cars over grabbed his attention and he watched as Bradley snickered at him before pulling out of the parking lot in his blue convertible. Thumping his head against the steering wheel, Rei closed his eyes. Bradley was the King of Wellston's college and Rei was the Jack. Not that he minded, it was a just a title given to them. But Bradley was one of those people who wanted to use his title to get others to do his bidding, and Rei usually refused to do that causing Bradley to pick on him as much as he could. 

Rei hummed when he felt his phone vibrate. A smile tugged at his lips as he saw Arlo texted him.

Forky: You free?

: Not yet, I'm headed home right now

Forky: alright, drive safe. Text me when you get home.

: Will do!

Rei smiles as he set his phone down. Arlo had told him how he threatened two boys with a fork in his second year at Wellston, and his name in Rei's phone had been "forky" ever since. As he started up the car, Rei couldn't shake the smile from his face. It actually warmed his heart that Arlo wanted to make sure he got home safe. The little blonde didn't express his care for others much so when he did it made Rei pretty happy. 

Humming to whatever song was playing in his head, Rei drove home only stopping once pleading for a squirrel to move out of the way. When he pulled into the driveway there was still a small smile on his face as he stepped out. After grabbing his bags he pulled his keys out before walking in his home. "Welcome home Rei!" His mom shouted from what seemed like the kitchen. Rei walked in the room and indeed found his mom making herself a cup of tea. "Hi mom." He pressed a kiss to her cheek happy that it caused her to smile. "I'm gonna go play a game with Arlo, is that okay?" His mother nodded kissing his forehead before shooing him away.

Rei laughed as he walked towards his room. "Oh, hey Rei." Rei looked at his father and nodded before he made his way up the stairs. After stepping in his room Rei hung his bag on the wall before sitting down at his desk and opening his laptop. Seeing that Arlo was already online, he sent a call to the boy. "About time." Arlo said as he answered. Rei rolled his eyes with a smirk. "There's a speed limit ya know." Now Arlo rolled his eyes. "Please you can't even drive in the first place." Rei laughed lightly as he pulled the game up in his phone. "I wouldn't have  license if I couldn't drive." Arlo hummed with a nod. "So what is this game you want to show me?" 

Rei beamed pointing his phone towards the screen. "Penguin clash!" Arlo narrowed his eyes before he grabbed his own phone. "I swear you make me download the stupidest things." Rei laughed as he waited on the blonde to download the game. "Alright it's downloading, anyway, how was class?" Arlo asked as he set his phone down. "Oh it was fine." Rei waved a hand in the air dismissively. "How was school?" Rei asked in return. Arlo groaned rolling his eyes. "Boring, and annoying." Rei smiled. "I'm sure you handled it just fine, you're still in one piece yeah?" Arlo nodded slowly. 

"Whatever, at least you don't have to deal with the people at this school." Rei hummed gaze  falling down for a second. "Oh I'm sure I can imagine." Arlo perked up looking at the screen. "What are the people at college like?" Rei blew a strand of hair from his face before answering. "Probably the same as high school just with a little more maturity. I mean most know what they're doing in the future so that reflects on how they act." Arlo nodded. "Do you have anything planned out?" Rei sighed as his smile fell just a little. "Not really..." Arlo frowned before shrugging. "Well you've got another year to figure that out, so I wouldn't stress." Rei smirked. "Now that sounds like something I would say. Have you been taking notes?" Arlo rolled his eyes while he picked his phone up.

"If I could I'd flick you right now." Rei laughed causing a small smile to spread across Arlo's face. "So explain the game." Rei nodded adjusting in his seat. "I'll send you a game invite." Rei muttered mostly to himself as he did what he said. "So! When you join the game we're going to be on opposite sides of an iceberg, keep in mind it is slowly melting so the map gets smaller. To get point you have to knock each other off the ledge, and you can use those points to get upgrades." Arlo hummed with a subtle nod. "Easy enough." Rei chuckled slightly. "Yes but you're going against a master, you have zero chance." 

Arlo smirked as their title game began. "Oh they are pretty cute." Arlo mumbles as his penguin slid across the ice in circle around the map. "What are you doing?" Rei asked while laughing. "It's hard to control." Arlo defended. The blonde huffed when his penguin fell of the edge and two points were given to Rei. "I'm telling you, zero chance." Rei repeated as he went to strike Arlo again. But Arlo slipped out of the way and Rei's penguin went flying off the edge. "What? No!" Arlo let out a small chuckle as he used his two points for a speed boost. "Ooo using the points already I see?"

"You bet." Arlo said before using his speed to try and knock Rei off but he pulled a similar move and slid right past him into the water. "Ha! Sucker." Arlo scoffed adjusting on his bed as he felt his competitive nature slipping through. Rei used his four points to get a shield that would make it harder to bump him. "Arlo, stop moving!" Rei chuckled trying to push the slippery penguin off the iceberg. "I'm just too slippery." Arlo said as he casually pushed Rei off. "I am offended." Arlo chuckled at Rei's expression. The two played for a good while before Arlo finally asked, "hey how long does this last?" 

"Oh it just goes until you wanna stop."

Arlo dropped his phone down glaring when Rei began to laugh uncontrollably. "Seriously?" Arlo asked. "I'm-I'm sorry." Rei said between his laughter. Holding his stomach when he started wheezing. Arlo couldn't keep the smile from his face, there was just something about Rei's laugh that made him smile. When Rei finally calmed down he wiped some tears from his eyes. "Do you wanna stop?" He asked chuckling. "Yeah, I'd prefer to just talk now." Arlo said setting down his phone. "Are you up for getting a drink tomorrow?" Arlo asked. "Like what?" The blonde shrugged. "I don't know, waoba boba?" Rei arched an eyebrow. "You drink boba?" Arlo shook his head quickly. "Never has it, but the coffee is pretty good so that's what I usually get." Rei hummed and nodded. "Sure. Before or after school?" 

"You're not  particularly a morning person so I'd say after if that works for you." Rei nodded smiling as he rested his chin on his hands. "So tell me what been going on lately." The two talked for a few hours before Arlo finally noticed the greenette's eyes dropping. "Someone needs to get some sleep." Rei smiles shaking his head. "Nah, I still need to shower and change clothes." Arlo scoffed. "Then do that and go to bed." Rei smirked before giving Arlo a fake sad face. "Are you trying to get rid of me?" He whimpered after for dramatic effect. Arlo rolled his eyes chuckling slightly. "No, just trying to help maintain your health." Rei nodded before he yawned. "Yeah I think I'm gonna head to sleep. Thanks for playing!" Arlo nodded glancing at his phone for a second. "Yeah I guess the game was alright." Rei laughed rubbing at his eyes for a minute.

"Told you you'd enjoy it." Arlo sighed before he stretched, a few joint popping. "Go to bed you idiot." Rei laughed as he stood from his chair feeling his back scream at him. "Night Arlo!" He smiled giving the blonde a little wave. "Goodnight Rei." Arlo smiles before ending the call. Rei sighed popping his back before he quickly hopped in the shower and then went to sleep.

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