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A crush on Rei?

That was ridiculous.

Arlo chewed on his lip leaning against the school gate. 

Rei was a special person to him of course, he couldn't deny that. There were very few people who could actually weasel their way into Arlo's heart. Few people he allowed to hug him or tease him in the way Rei did. So there was obviously something going on there. But a crush? Rei was three years older than him, an adult. He was working to get a job and do something important with his life, and Arlo was still in high school. Sure, Rei made a lot of time for him and always looked happy to see him, but he was sure he was a burden to the older sometimes.

The blonde sighed crossing his arms. He was overthinking this. He already knew he didn't have a crush on Rei so why was he thinking like this? Would Rei even like him back? Rei has a history of liking mostly everyone he met. He was friendly with so many people there was no wavy arlo was an exception. 

"Something on your mind?" Remi's voice broke Arlo from his thoughts and he turned to the pinkette. "Just something Seraphina said earlier." Remi smirked causing Arlo to arch an eyebrow. "Oh, about your crush on Rei-Rei?" Arlo jolted staring at Remi with wide eyes. "Well that was a strong reaction." Remi giggled. "I do not, have a crush on your brother." Arlo glared. "Because I totally believe you. C'mon Arlo! I see how you two act." Arlo hummed slightly interested. "You don't look at anyone like you look at Rei. You smile when you talk to you, and you laugh! He makes you happy and you know it." 

Arlo huffed turning away from the younger. "And I see how he looks at you." Arlo looked down at the ground at Remi's Words. Rei didn't like him like that, he was sure of it. "He's usually so confident and has this relaxed air to him, but around you he gets so flustered. He stumbles over his words and gets a little shy because he likes you. He loves making plans with you and gets so happy every time your name shows up on his phone. Arlo don't you see, you two like he each other!"

Arlo's eyes were wide as a silver car pulled in front of them. "Stop talking his ear of Rem he looks miserable." Arlo's head shot up to face Rei's smiling face. That damn smile. Rei's golden eyes met his own blue eyes and he titled his head with the cutest laugh. 'Stop it.' Arlo gritted his teeth, his fist balling at his side.

"You guys getting in or not?" Rei chuckled sitting back in his seat.

'Stop making me like you.'

Arlo took a deep breath slipping his eyes shut for a moment before opening them and meeting Rei's once again. "Shot gun." Arlo muttered slipping into the front seat. "What?! That's not fair!" Remi cried opening the back. "Rei move your guitar!" Rei practically screeched turning around in his seat. "I left it in my car again!" Arlo chuckled before stopping himself. 'Stop it.' Remi giggled propping the guitar in the other seat safely. "I see you're sticking with acoustic for the third week in a row. There a reason for that?" Rei stiffened. "I'm...doing something." Arlo hummed. "Like what?" Rei turned to him before sighing and starting the car. "It's nothing." 

Arlo narrowed his eyes at the greenette who flashed him a small smile as they drove. "What were you planning at doing in the mall Rem?" Rei asked. "Hmm, I was thinking we could look around the new shops, maybe stop at the arcade?" Arlo hummed looking to the older male who just smiled. "Sounds fun, what about you arlo?" The blonde sighed leaning into the seat. "I was thinking of stopping by that cheesecake place." Rei smiles brightly leaning forward in his seat. "That place is so good! I love there lemon meringue cheesecake and the one with strawberry drizzled on top." Arlo smiled as Rei became a ball of excitement and shook his head. "I prefer the classic cheesecake."

"Oh that's really good too! You can't go wrong with a good classic." Rei snickered. Remi giggles from the back not wanting to interrupt the two. Arlo allowed the small smile in his face to stay as he leaned against the window enjoying the warmth. "We could actually stop for ice cream after the mall if you guys want. It's the right weather for it." Rei suggested. "Ooo! The mall and ice cream, sounds like a good time to me!" Remi cheered. Rei and Arlo shared a smile one that made Arlo's heart pound in his chest.

When they reached the mall Remi immediately rushed in saying they would go to the arcade first. Rei and Arlo said they'd catch up as they laugh behind her. They were silent as they walked into the mall until Rei spoke. "I meant what I said earlier." Arlo hummed turning to the older. Rei had a small smile on his face, not a sad one but not completely happy either. "It really did make my day, what you said." The blonde huffed. "Had a bad day?" Rei sighed, "you could say that." Arlo nodded crossing his arms. "Well I meant what I said as well. While you annoy the crap out of me most of the time, you are legally not allowed to get hurt in any way or you'll have to answer to me."

Arlo smirked as Rei stared at him with wide eyes. "I'm, glad to hear that." Arlo nodded walking in front of Rei. "So you have to promise to keep yourself safe alright?" Arlo asked not seeing the tears welling up in Rei's eyes. "Yeah... I promise." Rei mumbled wiping his eyes quickly. "Shall we catch up with Rem?" Rei asked joining Arlo's side again. Arlo nodded before the two made their way into the arcade unaware that Remi had been watching the whole time.

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