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Forky: you home?

Message delivered

Forky: Are you still sick? 

Message delivered

Forky: can I come over?

Forky: please

: of course

Arlo swallowed, it didn't actually matter if Rei had said no, he was already in the train on his way over. He looked down at his hands watching the subtle shake that wasn't caused by the rattle of the train. Remi was sitting at his side, but had yet to say anything to him. In fact, this whole train ride had been sat in uncomfortable silence. The pinkette had apparently given her brother the same talking to that she had given Arlo. Somehow, that gave Arlo a small bit of hope, because maybe-just maybe-Rei wasn't mad at him.

They felt the train slow to a stop and Arlo stood on shaky legs. He's never been this scared to see someone, especially not Rei. Remi tapped his shoulder, "Arlo, don't try to act all thought during this, you'll only make it worse. You're both upset and you don't know why, so just talk it out." The blonde nodded, running a hand through his hair as the duo made their way off the train and toward the siblings house.

Each step made a loud thump in his head. There was a soft ringing noise growing in his ears and he could feel his heart speeding up with each step toward the gate, with each bark the little puppy let out, and when the door opened revealing a mother with a soft smile. She said something but Arlo could only see her mouth move, no words registered with his ears. Remi's hand on his back pushed him into the house and he numbly stepped through the door, the smell of vanilla making him want to throw up. 

He turned toward Remi with wide eyes, intent on backing out now, maybe going back to his apartment and collapsing onto the floor. Once again, Remi's mother said something, her pointer finger pointing up at the ceiling. He still couldn't hear her words, but he was sure he already knew what she had said. 

Arlo took a deep breath and turned away from the women, who shared concerned glancing behind his back. He hand gripped the rail of the stairs, in hindsight, he probbaly shouldn't be going up stairs in this state. 

His brain was screaming at him.

Turn around.

Turn around.

And yet, he found himself in front of a closed door. His hand rose to knock, but would he even hear Rei answer? Was the door locked? Did Rei actually want to see him?

He thoughts screeched to a stop when he felt his hand push open the door. When had he done that? Why had he done that? But there was no turning back now, and he slowly stepped through the door and shut the door behind him. 

As the door clicked back into place, Arlo felt like a whole wave of anxiety left him. He could hear again, his heart no longer felt like it was going to pound out of his heart, and his breathing had steadied. 


He turned to the other, who sat on his bed with his legs crossed, seeming to have been in the middle of a puzzle. Arlo waited, he waited for Rei's soft features to change into a glare and for his usual calm voice to transform into harsh words. But Arlo knew Rei wouldn't do that, that wasn't like him. So he wasn't surprised at all when Rei smiled at him and asked if Arlo wanted to help with the puzzle.

Still, Arlo let out a sigh of relief as he walked over and sat down in front of him. 

"I have these corners done but I can't figure out how to connect them." Arlo hummed before grabbing a piece and taking a guess at where it was supposed to go. It snapped into place, connecting two of the corners that had been giving the other trouble. A small smile spread across his face as they worked on the puzzle. It was a comfortable silence, both had so much to say, but neither were ready. They were only interrupted when Rei let out a small sneeze and Arlo had to hold back a giggle. 

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