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"Soooo, what do you want to see first?" Rei asked swinging his arms as he walked. "I'm not sure. What's closest to us?" Arlo asked. Rei bit his tongue trying to remember where things were despite the fact he was here every day. "I say we get the boring part out of the way. I can show you where the classrooms are." The greenette suggested. Arlo shrugged with a hum. "Fine by me." Rei smirked grabbing Arlo's arm who yelped before dragging towards a large building. "Please don't be locked." Rei silently pleaded as he grabbed the door handle. "Yes!" He cheered when he opened easily. "After you." He said bowing slightly. Arlo rolled his eyes walking through the door. "Jeez it's cold in here." He mumbled rubbing his arms. "Yeah, they say it's to keep the student's awake but I think the teacher's are all secretly polar bears." Arlo rolled his eyes again with a small smile. 

"What classes to you take?" Arlo asked still rubbing at his arms. "Uh, I explained before that I still don't know what I'm doing with my life so I'm just taking an English major." Rei shrugged pulling Arlo towards a set of stairs. "Gonna finally learn how to spell?" Arlo asked with a smirk. "Shut up." Rei laughed lightly smacking his friends arm. "There's three floors?" Arlo commented pointing at another set of stairs. "Yeah, it's for different like levels of education. But all the English related stuff is on this floor so I'm quite lucky." Rei explained. After peeking into a classroom to check if anyone was in there Rei lightly opened the door to one of the classrooms. "Wow, this class looks pretty chill." Arlo commented. 

The classroom was very spacious with multiple bean bags and two small couches placed around the room and in the centre was what looked to be the teacher's desk. "Yeah this teacher's pretty nice. She's the one that teachers the more reading portion of English so most of the assignments in here are book reports. That's why the classroom is so...calm I guess." Arlo shook his head with a sigh. "No wonder you're taking an English major. Can't speak, can't spell." Rei rolled his eyes plopping down in a bright yellow bean bag positioned against the wall. "This where you sit?" Arlo asked gesturing to the bean bag. "Yep!" Rei smiled pointing at a small cupboard next to the bag. "Me and like, two other students share that cubby." 

The older boy rolled out of the bean bag and opened the cubby showing three shelves before he pulled a book from one. "That shelf is mine and this is the book I'm currently reading." Arlo hummed taking the book from Rei's hand. "A Tale of Two Cities?" Rei nodded with a sigh. "Good book, but good lord it is hard to read." Arlo chuckled handing the book back to Rei before he stood up. "I'm gonna freeze to death in this building." Arlo announced. Rei chuckled lightly patting his back. "You get used to it. Alright, let's go somewhere else." Arlo nodded following the other out of the room. Rei showed Arlo some of the other classrooms before he opened a door and there was actually a teacher in there. "Nice going Rei." Arlo huffed. Rei swatted a hand at him before walking it awkwardly. "Uh, hi Mrs. Reynolds." 

"Good morning Rei. here to finally turn in your project." The teacher smirked. "Oh, someone's a procrastinator." Arlo commented following after. "And who's this." Mrs. Reynolds narrowed her eyes at Arlo moving her classes a bit. Arlo shuffled on his feet a little at her intense gaze. "Uh this is Arlo. He uh, attends Wellston as well. The high school that is. I was just showing him around the campus." Reynolds shook her head with a smile. "I can see that. Best of luck to you Arlo especially if you've got this one to deal with." Arlo hummed at Rei's offended expression. Rei went to speak again when the door opened once more. "Mrs. Reynolds I have the-" Rei's head whipped around, fist clenching at his side. "Oh hi there Rei." Bradley smirked. Rei lifted his eyebrows in acknowledgement before turning back to Mrs. Reynolds. "Have a good day Mrs. Reynolds." He said before grabbing Arlo's arm once again and brushing past Bradley into the hall.

"Who's that?" Arlo had to ask. "Legit Kuyo to the second power...wait you don't know who that is." Rei mumbled. "Um, he doesn't like me because I don't agree with the hierarchy so he then makes a point to get on my nerves every time he see's me." Rei said crossing his arms. "Angry is a look I don't see on you very often and I'm not sure how I feel about it." Arlo said with a hum. "I'm not angry...he's just. Oh I don't know, maybe I'm a little peeved." Arlo huffed amused before lightly nudging Rei's side. "So how about you show me the music room?" Rei's eyes seemed to sparkle as his frown immediately vanished and he pulled Arlo down the stairs and through the halls. "Excited much?" Arlo asked slightly laughing. Rei ignored him coming up on a large blue door. "I love this room, if you disrespect this room, I will not hesitate to kick your butt."

Arlo shook his head trying to cover his laughs. "Okay, I won't disrespect it." Rei winked at him with a smirk. "Good." He said before opening the door. "Did he just wink at me?" Arlo mumbled before following Rei into the room. The music room was much warmer and had a small vanilla smell to it. Arlo glanced to Rei and found the greenette had a small smile set on his face and just looked so damn happy. It admittedly caused a small blush to cross Arlo's face. "So, piano and keyboards are here." Rei said running his hand across the keys. "Can you play piano?" Arlo asked. 

"Noooo, and I mean that. Unless you want to hear the equivalent of a two year old playing the xylophone." Arlo chuckled at Rei's goofiness following him over to the other side of the room. "Drums!" Rei sang gesturing to the drums of course. "Now those I do like to bang on from time to time because it's fun." Rei mentioned. "And you just like making noise." Arlo added. "That I do." Rei laughed before running over to the wall of guitars. "That's a lot of guitars." Arlo said looking at the wall. "Yep, acoustics, electric, bass. Oh, and though that door over there is all the orchestra instruments! Like the violin, and the cello, and the harp! The harp is so much fun even though I can't play it!" Arlo watched Rei nerd out while he rambled about each and every instrument he could think of without stopping for a breath. 'That's adorable' He thought lightly, a small smile settling on his face. Rei just looked like he was in heaven in this room and Arlo was just happy to be here.

"Oh and there's all the woodwind instruments too!" Rei gasped. He stopped and finally breathed when Arlo put his hands on his shoulders. "You need to breathe because you're face is turning red." Rei stared at Arlo breathing like he was told but found the red wasn't leaving his face. "Maybe it's just cause it's hot in here." Arlo hummed turning away. Rei stiffly nodded in agreement. "Anyway, this is pretty cool. There's a lot of instruments in here. I can see why this is your favourite place to be." Rei sighed with a smile before gasping. "I know what we should look at next." Arlo hummed nervous because his predecessor could be insane sometimes. "The pool." Rei said. "There's a pool?" Arlo asked. Rei nodded quickly. 

Swimming wasn't Arlo's favourite thing in the world, but it was definitely sounding mighty fine right now. "As long as it's indoor." Arlo shrugged. "It is, and it had a hot tub." Rei said chuckling when Arlo's eyes went wide. "Okay, but I didn't bring a swim suit." Arlo pointed out. "Skinny dip?" Rei suggested.

"What the hell Rei?"

"Sorry." Rei chuckled scratching the back of his head. "Could just swim in your boxers." Rei shrugged. "Are you that desperate to get in the pool?" Arlo asked with a small glare. "I mean we don't have to I just thought it'd be fun." Rei said shaking his hands. "Maybe next time. For now how about you show me where a cafe or something is cause I'm getting hungry." Arlo sighed. Rei nodded hooking his elbow with Arlo's before speaking. "Forward march!"

"You're a nerd you're an actual nerd." Arlo said shaking his head. "You're the one who hangs around with this, so you can't be mad." Rei laughed. Arlo huffed turning his face away because he knew Rei was right.

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