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Oh how the turn tables...

Arlo sneezed, for what felt like the hundredth time but was really only the fifth. Still, he held a tissue over his nose that was catching both his snot and the water from his eyes. He wasn't crying, but he had sneezed so much that his eyes were just leaking and it was honestly giving him a headache. While he originally planned to go to school, a certain greenette had made sure he would stay home and get lots of rest. Well "home" wasn't the right word, he was staying at Rei's house under the care of his mother who had just recently brought him some hot soup. 

It had probably cooled off my now, but Arlo couldn't find the will to eat it. A chime on his phone finally broke him out of his trance. 

Rei <3: how ya feeling??

: fine

Rei <3: oh come, I don't speak grumpy language 

: you speak pain in my ass language 

Rei <3: XD I told you I was gonna get you sick

: meh, it was worth it

Rei <3: sappp

: hush

: I feel fine

Rei <3: have you eaten yet?

: you're mom brought me some soup. I haven't eat it yet though 

Rei <3: let me guess, you're "not hungry"

: there's no need to be sassy

Rei <3: I'm not :D

Rei <3: you should eat. Trust me, you don't even know how hungry you are

: I think I do. My stomach says no

: I might throw up actually 

Rei <3: you're gonna throw up from lack of food

Rei <3: can you just please eat it

Rei <3: pretty please 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。

: all that isn't necessary 

Rei <3: XD

: fine, pay attention to class

Rei <3: ha! Jokes on you, I'm in the music room

: I should've known

Rei <3: :p

Arlo shook his head as he dropped his phone on the bed...Rei's bed. He huffed and buried his face back into the soft pillows. Rei was one of those people who had like five pillows, and now Arlo could honestly see why. When he was asleep earlier he woke up with one clutched in his arms, one laying across his waist, his head perched on two, and the last one probably fell on the floor.

It was comfortable though.

It also smelt like Rei, like vanilla, like home. That part kind of shock him. He should consider his apartment home. His apartment that didn't have a specific smell, if it didn't smell like cleaner. He should consider his aunts pent house home. Not this small Victorian style house over four hours away from Wellston. 

But it was so nice.

Arlo lifted his head when he heard a small patter and found Abel trotting over to him. "Hey pup..." he reached down and gentle strokes the dogs fur. Abel barked and nuzzled his hand in what he could only assume was joy. Arlo smiled before lifting the dog up on to the bed with him. "I want a puppy, do you think Rei would be mad if I stole you?" The pup licked his face and he recoiled with a chuckle. "Do I need to eat my food Abel?" Arlo hummed when the dog hopped over to the bowl of soup and put his paw in the spoon. 

The blonde sighed before picking up the bowl and hesitantly eating the soup. He had to admit, it definitely warmed him up. Ironically it caused him to shudder as the warm liquid traveled down his throat. He sighed setting the bowl in between his legs. "Not bad." He mumbled before continuing to eat. 

He didn't even notice when Rei's mother came up to the room to check on him. Brushing his bangs away from his face and pressing a soft kiss on his forehead before leaving the room.

Arlo blinked his eyes open when he felt a weight next to him. Soft citric eyes looked down at him and a small smile graced Rei's features. Subconsciously, Arlo reached up and brushed a green strand of hair behind his ear causing Rei to laugh. "How are you feeling?" Arlo hummed letting his hand drop back down to his chest. "I think your bed is making me more drowsy than I actually am." Rei chuckled before grabbing his arms and pulling him up to a sitting position. "Rest is the best way to get better you now?"

"That's rich coming from you."

"Sorry sorry." 

Arlo chuckled before leaning his head on Rei's shoulder. "I ate the soup, it's was pretty good." He felt Rei laugh again before he spoke, "well you're about to eat again. It's dinner time." Arlo groaned, falling back onto the bed with a small wince. His head was throbbing, despite just taking the longest nap of his life. Rei must have noticed this, because he frowned before standing, "I'll get you some water." Arlo mumbled a small thanks before rolling onto his side as the older boy left the room. 

"I'm not hungry." He pouted and played with his own hair. It was getting tangled, he'd have to take a shower here soon. Or maybe a bath, a bath actually sounded really good right now. Maybe they could get some bath salt and lay in the bath for hours. That would be nice.


Arlo rolled over and looked at the door and frowned. A little boy, with pale pink hair and golden eyes was hiding behind the door, but looking at him with curious eyes. Arlo sat up, "hey." He blinked, he didn't remember Rei having other siblings, he once mentioned that Remi was enough. Arlo couldn't remember a time he had been around kids. He was an only child and his aunt and uncle didn't have children. He didn't have anything against them, well, he didn't like when babies got loud. But that was more of, he didn't want to see a child upset, rather than being upset by the noise. 

The boy trudged closer to him until he was standing at the end up the bed. "Can I get in? It's cold." Arlo blinked, "sure." He moved up closer to the wall as the kid crawled his way up next to him. Arlo didn't know what to do when the kid cuddled up next to him and buried his face in Arlos chest. "Is usually cuddle with Rei, but I can't find his." Arlo hummed before resting an arm around him. "He'll be back, he's just getting me water." The kid looked up at him, his golden eyes wide, curious. "Is he your friend?" Arlo chuckled, "something like that."

"Luca?" Arlo looked up as Rei came into the room with a glass of water and some crackers in his hand. "Sorry Arlo, I totally forgot I was supposed to babysit him." Arlo waved a hand at the other though and ran his fingers through the shirt tufts of hair tucked under his chin. Rei watched, as Arlo with a soft smile on his face let the child play with his fingers, he looked relaxed.

He looked happy. 

Rei smiled, some unknown feeling stirring inside him as he sat on the other side of the kid. "He's my aunt son. My aunt can't take care of him though so she leaves him with us when life gets to busy for her." Arlo nodded, laughing when the kid played with a strand of his hair. "He's a sweet kid, he's very shy though. I'm shocked he warmed up to you so quickly." Arlo laughed, "he asked if I was friends with you. That's probably why." Rei nodded with a smile before he wrapped an arm around Arlo, Luca having fallen asleep between the two.

Arlo hummed, "I've never been around kids before, but this makes me want one," he blurted without even thinking. His face went red but thankfully Rei couldn't see him. "We'll think about it." Rei laughed when Arlo went even redder and slapped at his arm. The blonde huffed, but he snuggled closer to the other, headache long gone.

He was warm, and happy, and safe.

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