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Rei: Why do I piss off people so much?

Arlo arched an eyebrow before typing his response.

: I pretty sure you secretly enjoy it, why?

Rei: Pissed off the King and ended up fighting with him...

: Wow, good job. 

: Did you win?

Rei: Yeah, I feel bad though because I didn't want to fight him but he insisted on fighting and wagered his title and then I won...

: Well that's on him.

Rei: I guess...

Rei: Whatre you up to?

: Reading.

Rei: ooo! I was trying to read a little bit ago but got bored :p

: I can tell

Rei: >:(

: Oh by the way, are you free later today?

Rei: Whyyyy?

: Remi is trying to drag me to the mall

Rei: XD

Rei: Figures, but alright I'll come. Are you trying to get right after you get out?

: Well she was thinking of stopping for a snack.

Rei: Woaba Boba?

: Sounds fine to me.

Rei: Yay! I'll talk to Remi about it later and we can meet up somewhere.

: Okay.

"Arlo." The blonde looked up to find Seraphina taking a seat in front of him. "Did I say you could sit there?" Sera smirked, "no, but I'm going to." Arlo huffed simply returning to his book. "I don't ever see you in the library, what's the special occasion?" Arlo sighed closing the book when he realized she was just gonna keep talking. "It's quiet in here. Or it was until you showed up." Sera stuck her tongue out at him before chuckling. "Makes sense, but here you are complaining about me not letting you read and you were on your phone seconds ago." 

Arlo shrugged, "So?" The girl sighed resting her elbows on the table. "I'll make this point again. You never smile but recently I've seen you smiling at your phone a lot." Something seemed to click in Sera's mind because she suddenly sat up with a smirk. "You've got a crush." Arlo looked at her incredulously. "No I do not." Seraphina's smirk only widened as she quickly snatched Arlo's phone. "Uh, give that back." Arlo said with a growing glare. "Now let's see, who do you have a crush on?" Arlo stood clenching his fist on the desk. "Seraphina."

"Wow, I can't believe you don't have a password."

"Seraphina." Arlo growled finally drawing the attention of the purple haired girl. "See that, you're getting defensive over it. Which only proves my point," she said as she handed the phone back to Arlo, "that you have a crush on Rei." Arlo looked down at his phone to see she had opened his messages. At least she had the decency to not read them but his last message was obviously to Rei and she had made the connection off of that. "If it makes you feel better, I don't even know who that is." Sera shrugged. Arlo huffed shoving his phone in his pocket.

"I do not have a crush on Rei." Seraphina just smiled as she stood. "Keep telling yourself that." She said before walking away through some book shelves. Arlo stared at his book beginning to pick it up again when his thoughts interrupted him. 'A crush on Rei, that's stupid." The blonde leaned back in his seat crossing his arms. 'I mean, of course I like him. He's been my friend since I entered Wellston. Plus, he's a great person with not a lot of dislikable qualities. He's kind, he's caring, he puts others first. I like that about him. I like his kindness, his smile, his laugh, his eyes-' A dark red blush creeped onto Arlo's face. 'Because they make him seem more friendly! Not because I think he's cute or anything.' The blonde shook his head with a sigh.

: This school is annoying.

Rei: Is it now?

: Yes, every single person in this school is annoying

Rei: Can't argue with you there

: Not gonna stand up for your sister?

Rei: Everyone can be annoying. She can, I can, even you can

: I'm hurt

Rei: I didn't mean it like that!

: I know, calm down

Rei: You can't play with my emotions like that DX

: -_-

Rei: Ouch :P

: Shut up, I just need to get out of here

Rei: Well, lucky you, you get to see me in a few hours. 

: ...

: You're existence confuses me

Rei: how so??

: Your general presence is annoying but that thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me

Arlo's fingers froze at the small confession. It was true, he often times thought that Rei was annoying, but just the slightest though of him getting hurt in any way made him want to cry. Arlo had a mini panic when Rei didn't respond right away. Thinking he probably messed everything up he was about to put his phone away when it buzzed.

Rei: Awwwwwwwwww! >///<

: Calm down

Rei: That's so sweet! I'm gonna cry

: Please don't, I'll smack you if you cry

Rei: You wouldn't

: Wanna bet


Rei: You sir have just made my day :D

: Well isn't that great

Rei: yesss, and now I'm gonna be all smiles for the rest of the day

Rei: My classmates might think I'm insane but who cares ;p

Arlo shook his head with a small smile on his face. He caught himself lifting a hand to touch his mouth. He did smile a lot when talking to Rei, and smiling wasn't something he did regularly. Deciding to ignore it, he put his book to the side and just continued to type away. 

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