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Arlo sighed as he walked the halls of Wellston. He had free period for the upcoming block and didn't really know what to do with his time. The King sighed again as he headed up towards the roof. Upon opening the door he discovered Seraphina. She glanced up from her phone and threw him a glare. "What do you want?" Arlo rolled his eyes a she leaned against the door. "What's are you doing up here?" He said ignoring he question. Sera huffed crossing her arms. "Sitting on the roof." Arlo shook his head taking a step towards her. "You're skipping class is what you're doing." Sera smirked. "I skip all the time, what's your deal this time?" Arlo walked over and looked through the fence at the ground below. "It's my free period and I came up here to think." Sera hummed looking back at her phone. "How am I stopping you?" Arlo glared at here, "you're distracting me." Sera chuckled as she resumed her game. "What a shame."

Arlo sighed leaning against the fence now hearing a chuckle from Seraphina. Deciding to ignore her, he pulled out his phone.

: Bored at school, what should I do?

It took a few seconds but the reply did come.

Go to class :P

Arlo rolled his eyes typing out his response.

: Free period.

Talk to someone?

: What do you think I'm doing?

Talking to me!

Arlo shook his head with a small smile. "Who ya talking to?" Sera asked with a smirk. Arlo groaned quietly. "It's none of your business." Sera rolled her eyes as she paused her game. "Well you're smiling at that's something you only do when you're enforcing your duties not texting someone." Arlo hummed, she had a point. "It doesn't matter, you don't know him anyway." He looked back down when he felt his phone vibrate.

So, I was playing an online game and thought you'd enjoy it. You wanna play later?

: I don't play online games.

Because you've never found a good one. But this one's good trust!

:What do you even do?

You play as these adorable little penguins and use different power ups to push each other off the ledge

: You're an actual child.

I'm an actual adult

: With the mind of a child.

You're mean, anyway, yes or no?

Arlo huffed and thought for a minute. Though he really had no choice, he was gonna end up playing anyway because somehow Rei would end up able to convince whether he liked it or not.

: Sure.


Once again, Arlo smiled glaring when he heard Seraphina chuckling again. "You're annoying." He mumbled pushing off the fence. "Says you." Sera quipped. "Says most of the student body." Arlo quipped back. Sera huffed going back to her game. Arlo gave her a satisfied smirked before he left down the stairs again, but not before he noticed a boy with black hair (or was it a helmet) going up them. Any other day he would've said something, but he found that he just wasn't in the mood. 

When he reached the bottom of the stairs he found Remi walking past with the schools Jack, Blyke. She turned and smiled. "Hey Arlo!" Arlo nodded to her as the other two stopped. "Where are you two headed?" Arlo asked. "Library to work on a project, Isen's supposed to be meeting us there." Blyke explained gesturing behind him with his thumb. Arlo nodded before turning back to Remi. "You're brother finds the weirdest stuff online." Remi laughed with a large smile. "It's the penguin game isn't it. He's found it a few days ago and has been obsessed with it since." Arlo hummed being able to see it. "Anyway, we gotsta go. See you around!" Remi waved before he and Blyke turned to leave.

Arlo sighed finding himself alone int he hallway again. 'Maybe I'll go find Holden.' The blonde shrugged beginning to just roamed the halls as he pulled his phone back out.

: I'm being sucked into the endless void of boredom.

I'd say go hop on one of the library computers and we'd play now, but I'm pretty sure the librarian would kick you out.

: She wouldn't, I'm the King.

She kicked me out and I was King once

: Were you playing games?

No, just being too loud :P

: I can see that.


: Oh yeah, Remi mentioned that you've been obsessed with that penguin game for a while now.

She did? Well, it's true. But that's cause it's so fun!

: I will be the judge of that.

I'm sure. Anyway, I met you friend Holden the other day

: Oh God...how?

Saw him at the mall. Me and Remi were out she wanted to say hi to him

He's interesting

: Yeah, you should see him at school


While Arlo was looking a his phone, he bumped into Cecile. He looked up and found her purple eyes glaring at him. The blonde hummed before he continued walking. "No apology?!" Cecile yelled behind him. "Not at the moment no." Arlo said. Cecile, seemingly in a bad mood, stomped around in front of Arlo causing him to stop again. "What do you want?" Arlo sighed. "I told you an apology. You can't just run into people, and I'm a high tier so you could at least bat an eye!" Arlo blinked before he waked around her. "There, I bat an eye." 

Arlo never really liked Cecile. She and him had both served under Rei and she frequently expressed her dislike for the green haired boy. Which was Arlo's business, that was just her opinion however much it offended him. But she had also been the queen before Remi dethroned her. Ever since then all Cecile wanted to do was talk crap about Remi and Rei, and Arlo couldn't stand that. "Great now you've put me in a bad mood." Arlo grumbled.

Cecile smirked, "just go text your boyfriend. I'm sure he'll find some way to defend you for bumping into me." Arlo grit his teeth and against his will turned around. Angrily he approached Cecile and towered over. "First of all, I have no respect for you. So I could care less about bumping into you. Second of all, you now damn well that Rei isn't like that. In fact, he'd probably be pushing me to apologize, so you shut your mouth." Cecile gulped as Arlo backed away from her. "Now that you've pissed me off, how about you run along before I pummel you into the ground." Arlo spat. Cecile huffed crossing her arms before she turned and walked away. 

Because it's you (Rei x Arlo)Where stories live. Discover now