Master Plan

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I burst through the door of my old house not bothering to knock. My booted feet pounded on the carpeted stairs as I ran up them two at a time, my heart was beating like a bass drum and blood was rushing in my ears. The guilt and fear was eating me alive, I should've been there, I promised to protect them and I've failed. If stiles was hurt or worse..... I couldn't live with myself.

I was out of breath by the time I reached Stiles room. I had to grab onto the door frame to stop myself from skidding past the room. I pushed my hair out of my face and came face to face with my father who was leaving the room. His eyes were glossy as he looked at me, my heart dropped into my stomach but before I could say anything he stopped me.

"He's okay." He whispered and gave me a quick hug before leaving the room. I furrowed my brows as I watched him leave, I looked back into my brothers room and seen him standing in the middle of it. His lacrosse uniform still on. I let out a sob as I ran towards him and gave him a bone crushing hug. He was alive.

"Oh thank god." I said as tears fell. I pulled back and looked at his face which now was sporting a dark red gash on his cheek and dried blood on his bottom lip. Anger bubbled up inside me, I knew who was responsible for this.

"It was Gerard wasn't it?" I asked with malice. I ran a hand through my hair angrily as I sat down on his bed. "That old dusty bitch is gonna get it one way or another."

"I'm okay Aria. It's okay." He said quietly as he sat down next to me. I shook my head and pinched my lips into a thin line.

"No Stiles it's not, you were hurt and could've possibly been killed by that old bastard and I wasn't there to help." I began rambling.

"Aria there wasn't much you could've done if you were there." He said. "The lights went out and people started pushing and shoving. And next thing I know I'm being dragged away by Gerard. I know you wanna protect me and dad but sometimes you won't be able to and that's okay."

I wiped away a tear that had fallen. "All those years I wasn't there for you guys, I just feel like I need to be here to protect you guys at all times. But I get dragged away into Derek crap which is now becoming everyone's crap." I said with a slight laugh. Stiles nodded, hopefully understanding where I was coming from. "But I promise I will try to be there more often."

So much relief came off of my shoulders, my brother was alive, hurt but alive, and they didn't resent me for not being there to protect them. But there was so much anger inside me as well, Gerard had to be taken down, I can't let him hurt anyone else. I have no idea what Peters plan is and I don't even know if I want to. Stiles opened his mouth to say something but got cut off by a phone ringing. Stiles grabbed his a looked at it but shook his head, I furrowed my brows and grabbed my phone out from my back pocket and seen Derek was calling me. I sighed and told Stiles I'd be back in a minute before walking out of the room and answering.

"What?" I asked as I closed the door behind me.

I heard him sigh with relief before he answered. "Thank god you're okay."

"I'm fine, I'll tell you more later, what's going on?" I asked, he wouldn't call me if something wasn't happening.

"It's Jackson, Scott and Isaac thought he killed himself on the field but it turns out he's only transforming into something bigger and badder, we have a plan, meet us at the old ironworks building." Derek said.

I nodded even though he couldn't see. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

I hung up and began walking out of the house but was quickly stopped when I ran into another body. I ricocheted back and shook my head. I looked up and seen Lydia. I looked at her in confusion.

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