Independence Day

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I took a deep breath in and held it for a minute before letting the breath escape my lips, my fingers tapped on my knee lightly as I stared at the old charred floor in front of me. The rhythmic sound of old books being slammed shut in anger took me further into my daze. So many thoughts clouded my mind, Gerard is now in control of the Kanima so we're all essentially fucked if we don't figure something out soon, Stiles has a big lacrosse game tonight and I'm pretty sure the Argents will be there or at least Gerard and lord knows he might kill someone without batting an eyelash. I wanna be there to protect him and my father but Derek also needs my help with figuring out how to stop this damn thing.

Derek. Oh Derek.

Those words he said to me last night have been on a constant loop in my head. Over and over I kept hearing his low soft voice say " I love you."
never in my years of knowing him has he ever said anything close to those words to anyone. So many emotions flooded my mind and body, it's hard to focus on anything else really.

I think what's worse was my reaction, or lack there of, I never said it back. I still haven't. The conversation I had with my brother the other night was still fresh in my mind as well, he asked if I loved Derek and I had no way of answering. Of course I love him. I've just never been in love before and I have no idea how to feel or when it's the right moment to say "I love you." Or if there even is a right moment.

If my response bothered Derek he was doing a good job at hiding it. He acted normal around me, it was like he'd just gotten the biggest weight off of his chest after he said it to me. While I feel like I gained more on mine, everything is weighing on me like a brick and it's getting harder to breathe.

The sound of fast and heavy footsteps broke me out of my daze. Derek and I both perked up and looked at the doorway behind us. Boyd and Erica stood there anxiously.

"You made your choice." Derek said sternly. "When?"

"Tonight." Erica replied softly. I sighed heavily as I got up and stood next to Derek.

"Everyone's gonna be at the game. We figured it was the best time." Boyd said looking between Derek and I.

"It's not like we want to." Erica replied softly again. Derek began to walk towards them as I stayed back and leaned against the desk.

"What do you want?"

Erica shook her head and looked around. "Since I just turned sixteen a month ago I wouldn't mind getting my license. I can't do that if I'm dead you know."

"Well I told you there was a price." Derek replied. He was right, they shouldn't of jumped into this without thinking, I put my life on hold too because of this curse and I wish it was different all the time but I can't change it.

"But you never said it would be like this"

"Yeah but I told you how to survive!" Derek said growing angrier. "You do it as a pack. And your not a pack without an Alpha." He turned around and began walking back towards me.

"We know." Boyd said making Derek stop and turn around. They both looked at each other, Derek scoffing and shaking his head. They didn't want this pack anymore, let alone having Derek as an Alpha. And that was a major low blow.

"You wanna look for another pack." Derek said coming to the realization. "How are you even gonna find one?"

"I think we already did."

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