Masked with Anger

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I sighed as I looked up at the tree that was next to Scott's window. I had to talk to him, he seemed to understand that what Derek is doing is wrong on many levels and at this point Derek won't even listen to anything I say about it, he just brushes it away like he always does. And it was pissing me off. Maybe someone else could get through to him.

I grabbed the lowest branch on the tree, the bark lightly scratching my fingers as I climbed. Thankfully my clumsiness didn't kick in and I was able to make it to Scott's window with ease. I peeked in and saw that the light was on but no one was inside. I slowly opened the window and crawled inside and closed it as quickly as I could. I quickly moved behind the door, a Derek tactic, and waited for Scott to come back.

Thankfully a few minutes later a heartbeat began approaching the room, I leaned as far back against the wall as I could, making sure he wouldn't see me. He grabbed the door handle without paying attention and shut the door. Making his way over to his bed he sat down and put his head in his hands. I felt bad for the kid, he was suffering through this just as much as we were, maybe more considering the Argents are more on his ass than ours.

I quietly made my way over to him and lightly tapped his shoulder. He jumped off the bed and grabbed my arm forcefully. He relaxed once he realized it was me.

"Aria?! What the hell are you doing here?" He asked in a whisper shout. I sighed and sat on the bed. Scott looked down at me in question, I patted the spot next to me motioning for him to sit down. I thought over my words as he sat down next to me.

"I need your help." I said looking at him. He raised a brow and motioned for me to continue. "It's Derek, he's gone mad with power it seems and I've been trying to explain to him that he can't go around and ruin these kids lives just because their willing to go with it. It's wrong. I've tried and tried to get through to him but he won't listen to me. I was hoping maybe you could help me."

"I thought you always went along with Derek?" Scott asked. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at the floor.

"Most of the time yes. But I do have my own morals, and I know when to do the right thing, it's just difficult to get that through his thick scull sometimes. So I just normally go along with him because he's my best friend and that's what you do." I said while I picked at the strings on my jeans.

"Why come to me?" Scott asked.

I looked back up at him and laughed without humor. "You're a smart kid Scott, you seem to have your shit together more than I do, plus yesterday at Issacs you made the same point that I've been making to Derek since he became the Alpha. I figured that if you try and make that point across to him again he might listen."

Scott thought over my words and shook his head. "You've known him for a long time, and from what I've seen you guys have a connection. Whether you guys see it or not, the rest of us do. There's no way he'll listen to me."

My heart skipped a beat when he mentioned the connection. I have been noticing it more lately, feeling this power in my body that I hadn't ever felt before I know it has something to do with Derek, plus everything else that has changed between us, it's hard to deny that it's there. I just can't admit it yet, why I don't know.

An idea popped into my head as I thought over Scott's words. "What if we work together?" I asked as I stood up off the bed and began to pace the room my boots clanging on the hardwood floor.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what if the next person he bites is someone else you go to school with? Which it most likely will be. And if you find out before I do let me know and I'll try and see what I can do about stopping him from going on a biting rampage. If we can corner him we can take him down. We just have to do it together. I know how Derek works probably more than he does himself, if we can get him together maybe he can finally listen to what I've been trying to cram into his head." I said as I stopped pacing and looked at Scott. He looked up at me and nodded.

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