Cinnamon Girl

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Sweat trickled down my forehead as we ran through the night. Derek was ahead of me by a few feet, keeping his eyes on the Kanima. We had to stop this thing before anyone else got hurt, or worse killed. The Kanima climbed a chain link fence with us close behind it. Derek landed on his feet and growled following closely behind it, while I struggled to get over the damn thing. How I've survived this long I have no idea.

Thankfully I was able to get my foot out and quickly catch up to Derek. He was standing underneath what looked like an old bridge. The rain fell on us as we looked around for the creature.

"Where the hell is it?" I asked as we both spun around trying to get any sort of sight on it. As if saying that summoned it we turned around and seen it standing on two legs. Derek and I growled as we charged towards it. The Kanima starting swinging, Derek and I dodging them with ease. I quickly spun around and kicked it in the chest causing it to back up into the wall, Derek threw a punch missing the Kanima and going straight through the wall. It grabbed me by my shirt and threw me onto the ground. I quickly got up and roared at it, Derek grabbed a car door protecting himself from the Kanimas claws, he pushed it away with ease and threw the door to the ground. The creature screeched at us as it climbed the wall onto the ceiling with Derek and I standing below it waiting for our chance to attack. The Kanima hit the electrical box causing bright sparks to cut through the darkness of the night making us temporarily blind. I covered my eyes with my hands as I backed up, I had no idea where this thing was and I did not feel like fighting it blind. Hands grabbed my shirt once again and threw me onto the ground I coughed as tried to sit up but was quickly pushed back by a heavy weight being thrown at me.

I opened my eyes and seen Derek laying on top of me. We both groaned as he got off of me, gunshots rang through the air we both sat up and seen Argent unloading a clip into the chest of the Kanima. It fell onto the ground black blood oozing out of the bullet holes. I looked over at Derek both of our faces showing the same expression. Shocked and confused. There's no way it's over. It's never that easy.

And of course I was right. In a matter of seconds it was back up and behind an unsuspecting Argent. It threw him against the wall knocking him out. The Kanima ran away with Scott following close behind it. I looked at Derek he nodded seeming to know I had a plan. I quickly got up and ran after Scott. 

The bass boomed from outside of some sort of club. I walked around the side and seen Scott hand my brother a door handle and walk inside, I listened to their conversation before I followed.

"When's the Kanima not the Kanima?" My brother asked.

"When it's Jackson..." Scott replied.

Holy shit..... it's Jackson... that still doesn't make any sense how he is the Kanima. Maybe Lydia did give him something to make him immune.

I shook my head and followed their footsteps, I'd have to ask them about it later.

"Dude! Everyone in here is a dude!" Scott yelled as he looked around. I tapped his shoulder and caused him to jump.

"Not everyone!" I yelled and chuckled a little. Lights flashed in every direction making me feel like someone was constantly shining a light in my eyes.

"I think we're in a gay club!" Scott yelled. We both turned around and seen my brother surrounded by drag queens. They were running their hands through his hair and hanging all over him. A smile formed on my face as I chuckled, this was the greatest thing I'd ever seen. I'm never letting him live this down, it's my older sister duty.

"Nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses huh Scott?!" Stiles yelled angry and embarrassed. I gave him a thumbs up he quickly retaliated by flipping me off. I rolled my eyes and looked around and seen Scott looking at someone at the bar. He looked like the guy that was helping Stiles with the text that Peter sent to Allison. God that seems like years ago. I looked back at my brother and seen him struggling to get away from the drag queens I laughed and shook my head. I walked over to my brother and gently pulled him away from the ladies.

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