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I bit my nails as I sat next to Derek in his stupid train station. He has the wonderful plan to have Erica drag Jackson over here to see if he is the Kanima. This had bad news written all over it, I mean Jackson is a snake yes, but there are different ways to go about this than holding someone down and shoving paralytic substances down their throat. I looked over at Derek, who was holding the piece of mirror that Scott used yesterday and scared off the Kanima. This time it had the Kanimas paralyzing liquid all over it. Derek looked over at me and raised his brows I sighed and shook my head, a bad feeling bubbling in my stomach.

"Just trust me." He whispered and nudged my shoulder lightly. I was about to respond when footsteps rang from the staircase. Erica was holding Jackson's arm behind his back as she forced him down the stairs. Isaac quickly ran over and grabbed Jackson's other arm and forced it behind his back. He grunted in pain as he looked between Derek and I.

"What happened to you on the full moon?" Derek said turning the mirror around in his hands.

"What?!" Jackson yelled as he breathed heavily. "Nothing. Nothing happened." Derek looked up at him with his signature emotionless expression.

"You're lying." He said and looked back down at the mirror. Derek grabbed the gloves from my lap and started to put them on. Jackson noticed and began to freak out.

"No no! Wait! I can prove it." He began. We all looked up at him in confusion. "I taped myself." I snorted and covered my eyes with my hand. This kid is ridiculous, I've never heard of someone taping themselves on the full moon. Derek chuckled a little as he continued to put on the leather gloves.

"You taped yourself?" Isaac asked with a laugh. Jackson looked over at him anger was written all over his face.

"Yes. Because it was the full moon, and while you were sitting in the corner having an existential crisis about turning into a monster. I was preparing for this so called gift your big bad Alpha promised! You wanna know what I got?! Nothing!" Jackson yelled. I thought his head might explode if he continued to explain any more. "I can prove it. Let me show you the tape."

Derek looked over at me then shook his head. "No. No, I have a better idea." He said and shown the piece of mirror to Jackson. His eyes widened with fear as he got an idea of what might happen to him.

"What is that?" He breathed out. Erica and Isaac pushed him onto his knees. Jackson grunted out in fear and pain as Derek walked closer to him with me trailing behind him. As much as I didn't want to be a part of this, my curiosity got the better of me and I had to know if he was the new threat.

Erica held Jackson's head back as Isaac forced his mouth open. "You know Jackson." Derek began as he approached him. "You've always been kind of a snake, and everyone knows a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom." Derek held the mirror over Jackson's mouth, the paralytic liquid slowly making its way into his mouth. Jackson gagged as his body went limp and he fell onto the floor. We all backed up and stared at him. Derek sighed angrily and looked over at me I sighed and shook my head. I knew he wanted it to be Jackson, deep down I know we all wanted it to be Jackson.

Derek walked over to him and bent down coming to face to face level. "You're still a snake Jackson. Just not the one we're looking for." Derek got up and walked away throwing the piece of glass to the side and making his way into the abandoned train. I sighed and looked over at Isaac who looked like he had an idea conjuring in his mind.

"Just don't kill him." I said and patted him on the shoulder as I made my way into the train. Derek sat on a seat with his head in his hands, I knew he was disappointed. I sighed and sat down next to him. He pulled his hands away from his face and ran them through his hair as he looked at me. I gave him a sympathetic smile, I didn't know what else to do. If Jackson wasn't the Kanima, then who the hell was?

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