Dark Paradise

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"Aria........ Aria....." I heard someone pleading my name as they gently shook me, the light rattle of my body caused surges of hot searing pain to erupt deep within my body. I tried to scream at the person to stop, I wanted to wake up and yell at them to take me to a hospital because I was dying. Or I was dead and this was apart of the afterworld.

The person growled as they lightly picked up my limp body. I could feel a scream bubbling up in the pit of my stomach but my body didn't have the strength to let it out. They held me close to their chest as they began to run or so I assumed.

I tried everything within me to open my eyes and see who my savior was but this state I was in felt like a dark paradise I didn't wanna wake up out of. Maybe this was death and my angel is rescuing me from whatever the hell just attacked me. I just wish I could see who my angel was but there was no way any part of my body was moving from my own will.

"Aria..... I swear to god if you don't live...... I'm going to resurrect you and kill you myself." The deep voice said. I could feel a smirk wanting to form on my face but my muscles wouldn't move. The voice sounded vaguely familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it, the ringing in my ears were making it a thousand times harder to hear.

The rhythm of my body hitting against the persons chest was surprisingly gentle and relaxing, as if they were tying to protect me with everything they had. Like I was the most delicate flower in the world and they were a child running to their mother with it in their hands to try and show her its beauty without damaging it.

I fell deeper into the dark paradise, flashes of the monster plagued my mind over and over again. It throwing me against the tree then biting me. Everything in me was screaming for me to wake up and get to a hospital to try and find out what the hell just happened to me.

"We're almost there Aria...... please hang on.... just a little bit longer." The voice said reassuringly. I tried to make any sort of noise but all the came out was a slight gargle and a drip of blood that I could feel running down my chin.

The gentle rhythm had become more harsh as the person began to run faster. My head rapidly beating against their chest causing my brain the rattle around like a maraca, I tried to push myself away from this agony but again nothing. I was starting to get angry.

Just as I was about to make another attempt at moving we skidded to a stop, causing my body to jerk and hit the body with brute force. This caused a groan to exit my body.

"I'm sorry..... I had no other way to stop in time..... please stay with me.... we're here." I heard a creaky door open and a gasp escape a woman's mouth.

"What happened?" She said as she began to rush towards me, the creaking boards on the porch squeaking with every step she took.

"I don't know... I heard her scream and I..... I found her like this........ is she going to be okay?" The male voice asked.  Heard my scream? I was out in the middle of nowhere..... how did he hear me? I thought to myself as the two continued to talk. I felt a gentle hand push back the hair from my forehead and the gentle sigh of a mother as I could feel her eyes traveling my body. Looking at the damage that the monster had done. I felt her gentle hands lift up my shirt ever so slowly, her hand accidentally brushing against the open wound caused me to jerk away and groan in pain.

"At least she's somewhat conscious..... bring her in.... I'll have to take a better look at her." The male sighed as he slowly walked up the stairs, being careful to not bump me into anything or anyone. I could feel my body being placed onto a soft comfy surface, my body instantly relaxed at the feeling of something other than the cold hard ground.

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