Something Wicked This Way Comes

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I have no idea what I'm doing. I've been staring at myself in the mirror for at least an hour, if not more. I'm not one who fawns over my self image, I could give two shits less on what I look like. The fact that I keep seeing myself with alpha eyes is eating me up inside. It's all I can think about, I see it in my dreams I see it when I'm awake. It's consuming my every whim. I closed my eyes, sighed and switched to my werewolf ones. It's a constant loop. Close, shift, open. Close, shift, open. So far I've only seen it once, but that's enough to keep me going. Anxiety ate away at my stomach as yellow eyes stared back at me. I growled and shook my head, my patience is wearing thin. Once again I sighed, closed my eyes and switched. I took a long deep breath and slowly opened my eyes.

Dark, deep amber eyes stared back at me. My breath hitched and the urge to run away and hide was becoming strong. I swallowed deeply and shook away that urge, I leaned in closer my hair lightly tickling my knees. My nose was an inch away from the glass causing little clouds of steam to form on the glass. The rich amber color was so entrancing, so powerful. So much power came with one color, power that I don't want. Power that terrifies me to my core. The amber color the monster had the night it attacked me. The night I became a werewolf. The eyes of Derek. My soulmate, my best friend, part of my pack. This one color holds so many emotions, memories, and nightmares with it. And for it to be my eyes is one of the most terrifying things in the world to me. This color changes you, makes you a controlling monster, it changed Derek, and it changed Peter. I don't want to change into that, I don't even want to be one of these damn things.

The longer I looked the more I could see myself becoming this monster. Something deep, deep, deep down inside me was telling me to let that power in, become something more powerful than I could imagine, more stronger than I could imagine. Everything around me was becoming drowned out and eerily quiet. My nose pressed against the cold hard glass as my body moved closer. The amber color became brighter and stronger until it was all I could see.

A loud ringing erupted my trance causing me to jump back. My back hit the floor with a 'thud' my breathing was heavy and fast and my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. Tears ran down my face as I blinked my eyes rapidly, the constant stinging reminding me how long I'd gone without blinking. How long had I been staring? I reached my arm out and patted the floor trying to find my phone. The feel of the hard cold surface of the phone on my hand felt like an electric shock through my body, what the hell is happening?

I pressed answer but didn't say anything. My breathing was still erratic and my heart was too.

"Aria?" Derek's voice rang out. My heart calmed down a little when I heard his voice, I couldn't shake out of this trance, my eyes were glued to the ceiling making out shapes and faces in the lines.

"Aria? What's going on? Are you okay?" Derek asked. I could hear the concern and worry in his voice. I shook my head and took a deep breath, trying to shake off what just happened.

"Yeah I'm fine, just dropped my phone while I answered." I didn't want to tell him about what just happened over the phone. Especially if anyone else was around who could hear.

"..... Okay.. look if something is wrong or something happened you can tell me." He said softly. A small smile appeared on my face and my heart felt warm with how much he cared.

"Later. I promise. It's a lot to explain." I couldn't even understand it myself let alone understand how to try and explain it.

Derek sighed. "Okay. Look, I need your help, I think I have a plan on how to stop Jackson." I sat up and avoided the mirror as much as I could. "Come to Deaton's I'm meeting up with Scott, he has an idea for the plan too."

I nodded even though Derek couldn't see me. "I'm on my way." I said and hung up. I stood up on shaky legs and laid the mirror on the floor so I couldn't see myself. This whole thing was making my brain hurt.

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